Hi everyone!
We’ve just released the first version of Elixir WebRTC - W3C compliant WebRTC implementation for the Elixir Ecosystem.
Our goal is to create a similar to Pion project but for the Elixir devs.
Read the full blog post here.
Hi everyone!
We’ve just released the first version of Elixir WebRTC - W3C compliant WebRTC implementation for the Elixir Ecosystem.
Our goal is to create a similar to Pion project but for the Elixir devs.
Read the full blog post here.
Very exciting!
@mickel8 I found your project on github this week.
Thank you for your effort
I’m studying this topic for a year.
But I’m unable to find a low resource screencast/audio… I’ve tried membrane video_room, but I remember it consuming too much resource by peer
I’m trying to figure out some traffic control that may lead Phoenix to route it at a low cost… maybe…
Am I being too naive?
@daviaws We are going to perform benchmarks in version 0.2 so I hope we will see how much slower comparing to Pion or webrtc-rs we are You can track our roadmap here
Hi everyone!
I am very happy to announce a new version of Elixir WebRTC - 0.2.0!
The most important features we have implemented over the past three months:
Read the blog post to learn more: https://blog.swmansion.com/the-second-release-of-elixir-webrtc-3e6358089455
We are also going to talk about Elixir WebRTC at CommCon this June!
The full changelog is available here: Release v0.2.0 · elixir-webrtc/ex_webrtc · GitHub
And the roadmap here: Roadmap · Issue #28 · elixir-webrtc/ex_webrtc · GitHub
I would like to try this but it does not work with latest phoenix versions
Because the lock depends on swoosh 1.16.9 which depends on req ~> 0.5 or ~> 1.0, the lock requires req ~> 0.5 or ~> 1.0.
And because bundlex >= 1.2.0 depends on req ~> 0.4.0, the lock is incompatible with bundlex >= 1.2.0.
And because ex_libsrtp >= 0.7.1 depends on bundlex ~> 1.3, the lock is incompatible with ex_libsrtp >= 0.7.1.
And because your app depends on the lock, ex_libsrtp >= 0.7.1 is forbidden.
So, because your app depends on ex_libsrtp ~> 0.7.1, version solving failed.
** (Mix) Hex dependency resolution failed
I usually get around this by forking repos and specifying my fork in deps
but I have forked 4 repos already and it is getting very messy.
I opened a PR to update bundlex
deps which should get us on the road to modernity.
The examples are really good BTW. I found a box of old smartphones and I’m going to turn some of them into security cameras
Hi @slouchpie,
I am sorry for the very very late response. If you still have a problem, please open an issue in ex_webrtc repository
Hi everyone!
Elixir WebRTC 0.3.0 landed 3 days ago (looks like we did a release on Friday )
Among others, there are:
Read the full changelog: https://github.com/elixir-webrtc/ex_webrtc/releases
Hello everyone!
A couple of weeks ago, we released version 0.4.0 of Elixir WebRTC.
I wrote a small blog-post that summarizes current status of the project. Take a look at it here, and don’t miss our new website - https://elixir-webrtc.org!
Happy streaming
Version 0.5.0 with support for Data Channels has been released!
Read the blog post: https://blog.swmansion.com/data-channels-in-elixir-webrtc-0853c7d0e256
Ooh, data channel support is very tantalizing! Also it’s neat that this uses SCTP. I remember reading up on that protocol quite a while ago and it’s nice to see it in use.
Finally we can do Erlang distribution over WebRTC like I’m sure you intended :D.
Maybe not. But this is very exciting!
The trick is that it is encapsulated into UDP at the end of the day
That would be so interesting!
A new version - 0.8.0 is out!
See the changelog - Release v0.8.0 · elixir-webrtc/ex_webrtc · GitHub