Elixir WebRTC - W3C compliant WebRTC implementation for the Elixir Ecosystem

Hi everyone! :wave:

We’ve just released the first version of Elixir WebRTC - W3C compliant WebRTC implementation for the Elixir Ecosystem.

Our goal is to create a similar to Pion project but for the Elixir devs.

Read the full blog post here.


Very exciting!

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Cool :slight_smile:

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@mickel8 I found your project on github this week.

Thank you for your effort :slight_smile:

I’m studying this topic for a year.

But I’m unable to find a low resource screencast/audio… I’ve tried membrane video_room, but I remember it consuming too much resource by peer :thinking:

I’m trying to figure out some traffic control that may lead Phoenix to route it at a low cost… maybe…

Am I being too naive?

@daviaws We are going to perform benchmarks in version 0.2 so I hope we will see how much slower comparing to Pion or webrtc-rs we are :slight_smile: You can track our roadmap here