ElixirConf 2023 - Leandro Pereira - Beacon: The next generation of CMS in Phoenix LiveView

ElixirConf: ElixirConf 2023 - Leandro Pereira - Beacon: The next generation of CMS in Phoenix LiveView

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With Beacon caching pages in memory, how does handle dynamic content? Say I’ve got a “latest posts” component on my home page that displays the 3 latest blog posts, does it:

  • clear the home page cache automatically when a new post is created
  • re-render the “latest posts” component every time the page is loaded (and keep everything else cached)
  • have an internal cache for the component that gets cleared

Or is something else happening to keep that content fresh?

the liveview is cached, not the static render


Thanks for the reply! I had listened to the audio only and it wasn’t as clear to me without the visuals.

Every layout, page, and component is compiled into a module that is used internally to render the final content. Those modules are recompiled whenever a change is made, but there’s no extra layer of caching because LV is so fast that we don’t need to.

I had too much to cover in just 30m so I get that some concepts may not be so clear, the good news is that I’m recording a ThinkingElixir episode that hopefully cover some of those gaps :slight_smile: