I’m using as IDE Visual Studio Code and ElixirLS extension.
I’ve written a unit test in Elixir for module named A and also I’m mocking with Mimic library a module which is used by A called B.
When I’m running the test using ElixirLS extension, it runs ok and the mock behaves as expected.
When I’m running the test in debug mode using ElixirLS extension, is using the real implementation of module B instead of the mock one. If I’m running the debug with mix debug configuration it complains about Mimic with the following error.
GenServer.call(Mimic.Server, {:marked_to_copy?, B}, 60000)
** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started
Do you have any thoughts about why in debug mode is using the real implementation instead of the mock one and potentially how to solve this ?
Thanks for any help!