ElixirLS extension for VSCode isn't working in Windows 10

I’ve just installed Elixir on my desktop, and to start code in it I installed ElixirLS in VSCode, but the IntelliSence wasn’t working! And the ElixirLS logged this error:

Failed to run ‘elixir’ command. ElixirLS will probably fail to launch. Logged PATH to Development Console.

So i start to shource on internet, but i didn’t find anything to Windowns 10

I guess it can be my PATH enveronment varible! When I try code in terminal echo $PATH i get this:

… C:\Program Files (x86)\Elixir\bin …

How can i fix it??

Thanks in advance!

Seems pretty simple. Open cmd and run elixir -v. If it tells you it’s not found then the PATH is invalid. What’s the problem in troubleshooting this?

but what the problem to make ElixirLS extension doesn’t work?

You do not understand. I am asking you to first check if Elixir is indeed found in your $PATH. Don’t trust what you see, just test it.