ElixirScript - Elixir to Javascript transpiler

I agree with you here. I would much rather write Elixir through-and-through. However, it will need some JavaScript library support, namely React.js and Bootstrap. Clojure(Script) is able to do this with much success: Om, an implementation of React in ClojureScript, actually benchmarks twice as fast as React.js itself! Until ElixirScript gains some momentum, I agree in that Elm is the next best thing.

I wasn’t aware of these specific problems with ElixirScript, but I figured as much, as it’s a relatively new project. I heard from a fella at ElixirDaze that his company in New Orleans is trying to hire the ElixirScript guy, so maybe he will have more time to work on it in the future.

Perhaps we can fork this thread to an ElixirScript discussion thread. :slight_smile: