Hi everyone,
I have an embedded_schema
, which again uses embed_one
. I don’t want to save the child, when a certain key name
isn’t set. I have the following code, which works great, with one exception:
When the parent changeset is invalid, the nil
value will break the auto-generated forms, inputs_for
won’t show the fields anymore. So I only want to perform this action when I know that the parents are valid and the update to the database will happen.
Is there a way to do this?
embedded_schema do
embeds_one :element_a, Element, on_replace: :delete
embeds_one :element_b, Element, on_replace: :delete
def changeset(%__MODULE__{} = thing, params) do
|> cast(params, [])
|> cast_embed(:element_a)
|> cast_embed(:element_b)
|> remove_if_empty(:element_a)
|> remove_if_empty(:element_b)
defp remove_if_empty(changeset, field) do
case get_field(changeset, field) do
%{name: nil} ->
put_embed(changeset, field, nil) # Check if parents are valid?
_ ->