Emme Abbreviations inside the ~L sigil of the Phoenix Live View

I would like to know if anyone knows how to use the emmet abbreviations on Visual Studio Code inside the sigil:


for the Phoenix Live View? it’s posible??

Try this on the settings.json file.

    "emmet.includeLanguages": {
        "html-eex": "html",
        "elixir": "html"

This work’s thank you for your help @50kudos!

And I don’t know why I already have the erb as welll:

    "emmet.includeLanguages": {
        "erb": "html",
        "html-eex": "html",
        "elixir": "html"

It’s that correct?

Not sure what’s your question! :slight_smile: You can put as many as file type in there:

"whatever-filetype-wanted-html-emmet": "html"

Note though, “elixir” identify the whole elixir file. Try div and may get 2 div suggestion one is <div>, another one is Kernel.div/2. And the most annoying thing is def abc() do once you type “do” and quick enter you will get the whole “doc” html snippet :smiley: You may want to override “doc” html snippet if that’s annoying (otherwise, hit esc and enter).

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erb is for ruby that’s ok.
Thank you for reply again @50kudos!