Erlang 19.0 RC1

For those of you who want to live on the cutting edge:


I don’t know too much, but what do you think is the most exciting part about OTP 19.0?

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I guess that I am fairly excited about :gen_statem.


Just from looking at the name, I’m wondering what the difference to :gen_fsm might be, can you give a summary?

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From the new documentation of gen_statem:

The gen_statem behaviour is intended to replace gen_fsm for new code. It has the same features and add some really useful:

  • State code is gathered
  • The state can be any term
  • Events can be postponed
  • Events can be self generated
  • A reply can be sent from a later state
  • There can be multiple sys traceable replies

I don’t know for certain but I’d be the incremental improvements in maps would be worth the upgrade all by themselves. It wasn’t that long ago that we were advised not to use maps for large data sets because of performance. Then E18 came out and that advisory was no longer relevant. So I’d guess they probably made the performance of maps even better in E19. Of course that’s totally speculation on my part.

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Some highlights can be found here, and there you can find the link to full release notes.


I wrote some notes after having a conversation with a long time OTP user here:


Hacker News discussion

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Wow the full release notes are so detailed. They explain what it is and tell us why they did it! :slight_smile:

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