Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers (book published)

Dear all,

I have published my book Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers today. It is my first book and I am quite proud of having been able to finish it.

To celebrate, I give away 10 copies of it to forum members, 15% less than the minimum price (which is from today 9.99 USD). The coupon is: bwyBsVBprTln - first come, first served.

Hopefully I have a bit more time to be more active in the forum as well. Although, my Elm book is waiting to be written…


P.S. If there is any problem with the coupon, please let me know.


Congrats! Writing a book is not easy, so thanks for the hard work.


Congrats @kujua!

For those unfamiliar with leanpub coupons append /c/coupon_code to the book url ala:
Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers


Thanks for pointing this out and putting the link together.

@sotojuan Thanks. Writing the book was one of the hardest tasks in my career. Will write a blog post about the experience. The second book should be easier…


Congrats Wolfgang! :023:


got it :smiley: thanks for the hard work.
looks good so far, hope i can work through soon.

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@murphy Thanks and enjoy!

Got some good input from Joe Armstrong and will update soon the chapter about immutability (after I got answers from Joe reagrding my own questions).

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Is this book describing more of architectural approaches for creating Erlang/Elixir applications?

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@Molly101 There are discussions about architectural topics in many chapters. The example application is opinionated towards a layered architecture as I have used it before with other languages and frameworks, coming from an enterprise background.

The majority of the book is about the languages/OTP and the concepts behind it, though.

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@kujua Thanks, I just want to understand how to compare this book contents with Programming Elixir and Programming Phoenix books :slight_smile:

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@Molly101 I think - I hope :slight_smile: - it is different. I give an overview of the languages within examples, aiming at developers who are experienced (or brave) enough to look up the manuals (which are very good in the Erlang and Elixir eco system). I did not want to repeat what the books you mention are already doing very well. I give many hints and tips how to do things with Erlang and especially Elixir and try to explain the functional programming paradigm.

The book is a reflection of my own experience and journey to learn both languages for a project.

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@kujua Thank for the discount! No I just need to find some time to read it! :slight_smile: I hope there will be any kind of notification when You update this book?

P.S. Looking forward for ELM book also :slight_smile: Do You plan early bird discounts? :wink:

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@Molly101 Thanks! When I update, you will get the notification that there is a new version available.

Regarding the Elm book - I will do it like with this book. The minimum price was lower during early versions, so yes, there is an early bird discount. On the other side, I am holding the price low and offer a range, so many readers can afford it.


Thank you @kujua! Just received a copy of your book. I wish we had more books like yours available.

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@Red Thanks, Enjoy the book!

@kujua Have read the free sample chapters, now i need some time to work through the book. I do like your style of writing and explaining.

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@mbajohr Danke! Enjoy the book!

@kujua Just bought the book! Can’t wait to chomp through it!

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