Erlang and Elixir on Apple Silicon/M1 Chip

Removing the folder where you store your source code from Spotlight indexing should dramatically increase performance. I don’t have the steps in front of me but googling for Elixir/Mix and Spotlight should give you some clues.

Here’s how if you’re wondering :slight_smile:


Adding a .metadata_never_index to the root folder is supposed to filter it out too.

(and @PJUllrich )

You can also just add a .nosync to the name of the folder you want to exclude.

~/Dev/Phoenix.nosync, for instance.

Has anyone tried to use OTP-26? I am able to build it, however ssl is not working correctly, it throws some error related to cacertificate, tried with both openssl3 and openssl1.1

OTP 26 changed the default for SSL certificate verification Erlang/OTP 26 Highlights - Erlang/OTP so now you have to either provide the missing options, or manually turn it off yourself.