iex(1)> :dets.open_file("dets/definitions_agent", type: :set)
dets: file <<"dets/definitions_agent">> not properly closed, repairing ...
{:lists, :thing_to_list, ["dets/definitions_agent"],
[file: 'lists.erl', line: 603]},
{:lists, :flatmap, 2, [file: 'lists.erl', line: 1250]},
{:dets, :tempfile, 1, [file: 'dets.erl', line: 2786]},
{:dets, :fsck_try, 5, [file: 'dets.erl', line: 2750]},
{:dets, :fsck, 6, [file: 'dets.erl', line: 2727]},
{:dets, :do_repair, 7, [file: 'dets.erl', line: 2597]},
{:dets, :do_open_file, 4, [file: 'dets.erl', line: 2125]},
{:dets, :do_internal_open, 5, [file: 'dets.erl', line: 1609]},
{:dets, :init, 2, [file: 'dets.erl', line: 1285]},
{:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 247]}
Can someone translate this error or tell me what is going on?
It occurs only when dets table dets/definitions_agent
was not closed properly, but from the dets documentation looks like it should repair itself… but instead I get this error and I’m unable to decipher it.