That’s a neat slide. I didn’t realize that Cisco used that much Erlang. I’m also excited about the last bullet point “Growing number of Erlang developers at Cisco”.
Yes, Erlang is out there in very many places, you just don’t see it. Classic example is RabbitMQ which is written in Erlang but most users aren’t aware of this and also don’t need to know it to use it.
What do think will be powering Skynet?
So between Cisco and Ericsson Erlang pretty much runs 80% of both internet and mobile .
Hopefully something with a strong type system!
What I’d like to play with is an FP-themed hardware! I remember reading something from Alan Kay mentioning LISP chips but never dug deeper into that.
(Here it is: What did Alan Kay mean by, “Lisp is the greatest single programming language ever designed”?)
I think that is a forgone conclusion (The BEAM!)
What might be an interesting question, is who?
If you want to stay a little closer to home (keep on the BEAM), you might want to take a look at GRiSP.
And there were also some interesting functional FPGA-setups IIRC.
Yes, I have just got a GRiSP to play with. First off will be to update my “blå-gula faran” robot ( then do something more exciting.