Error interpolating a variable as the first argument of an Ecto fragment

I’m trying to do this:

def search(query, search_term, locale) do
    language =
      case locale do
        "pt" ->
        "es" ->
        _ ->
    fragmentWhere = "(to_tsvector('#{language}', unaccent(?)) || 
                      to_tsvector(coalesce('#{language}', unaccent(?)))) @@ plainto_tsquery('#{language}', unaccent(?))"
    fragmentOrderBy = "ts_rank((to_tsvector('#{language}', ?) ||to_tsvector(coalesce('#{language}', ?))), 
                      plainto_tsquery('#{language}', ?)) DESC"
    (from u in query,
    where: fragment(^fragmentWhere,, u.name_label, ^search_term),
    order_by: fragment(^fragmentOrderBy,, u.name_label, ^search_term))
    |> Repo.all()

cto.Query.CompileError) fragment(...) expects the first argument to be a string for SQL fragments, a keyword list, or an interpolated value, got: '^fragmentOrderBy'

Fragments have to be compile-time strings, it is to prevent sql injection attacks.

Your example can easily be done as something like:

def search(query, search_term, locale) do
    language =
      case locale do
        "pt" ->
        "es" ->
        _ ->
    (from u in query,
    where: fragment("(to_tsvector(?, unaccent(?)) || 
                      to_tsvector(coalesce(?, unaccent(?)))) @@ plainto_tsquery('#{language}', unaccent(?))", ^language,, ^language, u.name_label, ^search_term),
    order_by: fragment("ts_rank((to_tsvector(?, ?) ||to_tsvector(coalesce(?, ?))), 
                      plainto_tsquery(?, ?)) DESC", &language,, language, u.name_label, ^language, ^search_term))
    |> Repo.all()

Or something like that. :slight_smile:

It is also convenient to hide them behind def/defmacro’s for ease of use too.

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Thank you.
Although making a lot of sense now I was trying all other alternatives but this one…:stuck_out_tongue:
…and couldn’t find anything that led me to this, so double thanks!

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Sorry to bother again, but now when calling this function in my controller I get another error that I can’t find any information about:

Postgrex.Protocol (#PID<0.288.0>) disconnected: ** (RuntimeError) typeregconfigcan not be handled by the types module Ecto.Adapters.Postgres.TypeModule

def search(conn, %{"q" => param}) do
    locale = conn |> get_session(:locale)
    searchEmpresas = Skeleton.Customers.Empresa |>, locale)

Where param and locale are strings such as "magna" and "pt"

Ooo, you seem to have a type defined/added in your PostgreSQL server called regconfig, and it is being returned and the postgresql driver does not know how to handle it, you may need to define a converter for it yourself then (I’ve not actually used ts_vectors since I’ve been using elixir yet but that is something that should really be supported somewhere as a converter somewhere…).

I’m unpacking boxes currently (I just moved) or I’d search for you, but maybe check and see if anyone’s made some postgresql ts_vector / full text converters for ecto yet?

It would not be hard to make your own though, you can start just by building a converter for it that returns it as a binary then figure out how to parse that and add it to it, but I’d say look for an existing one first.

Thank you.
This is already very helpful to find my way :slight_smile:

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