In Elixir and Phoenix applications, we tend to let it crash when there is an error and can’t return a meaningful response the user.
E.g. a controller action may try to fetch a user by id Users.get_user!(user_id) from a route param, and if not found, Phoenix.Ecto lib allows to convert the Ecto.NoResultsError error to a 404 http not found page.
However, when using an error tracking tool such as AppSignal, Sentry, etc. couldn’t that lead to many useless error reports, bloating the logs, e.g. in cases where there are bots frequently trying to requesting URLs with wrong route params?
What about DDoS attacks against URLs with wrong route params, won’t that lead to a lot of resource consumption because of mass api calls to the chosen error tracking systems?
But even without any special configuration on your part, Sentry will by default use essentially the following filter (seen here). You can see that it ignores exceptions of type Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError as well as a few others.
defmodule Sentry.DefaultEventFilter do
@behaviour Sentry.EventFilter
@ignored_exceptions [Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError] # …others included here, too
def exclude_exception?(%x{}, :plug) when x in @ignored_exceptions do
# …etc.
This should all happen in memory and be quite efficient, so I don’t imagine it being a big concern from a DDoS standpoint.