Error: undefined function for a function in the same module (newbie level)

Hello, I just started learning Elixir this week. I’m puzzled by an error I’m getting.

Here’s a simple module:

defmodule Mylist2 do
  def reduce([], value, _func), do: value
  def reduce([head | tail], value, func), do: reduce(tail, func.(head, value), func)

  def max(a, b) when (a <= b), do: b
  def max(a, b) when (a > b), do: a

  def maxlist(list), do: reduce(list, -9999999, max)

When I compile the module I get this error:

** (CompileError) maxlist.exs:8: undefined function max/0 (expected Mylist2 to define such a function or for it to be imported, but none are available)

** (CompileError)  compile error
    (iex 1.13.4) lib/iex/helpers.ex:203: IEx.Helpers.c/2

It seems there’s something don’t know yet about how to reuse functions within a module … Someone can spot the problem?

The offending function seems to be the max function used in the reduce in the last line.

Many thanks!


Hello and welcome,

Functions arity are important, because max/0 is not max/1 nor max/2.

The compiler says it cannot find max/0 which is true. You have a max/2 defined…

BTW max/2 is already a function of the Kernel module → it’s going to conflict.

What You can do is this.

defmodule Mylist2 do
  def reduce([], value, _func), do: value
  def reduce([head | tail], value, func), do: reduce(tail, func.(head, value), func)

  def mymax(a, b) when (a <= b), do: b
  def mymax(a, b) when (a > b), do: a

  def maxlist(list), do: reduce(list, -9999999, &mymax/2)

This &mymax/2 special notation defines an anonymous function with 2 params…

It’s a shortcut for fn x, y → mymax(x, y) end


Oh, that was a quick reply, in a matter of a couple of a few minutes!

Many thanks, that works :slight_smile:

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