Error while publishing a package -** (Mix) Stopping package build due to errors. Dependencies excluded from the package

I have git dependency for my library: GitHub - navyad/moviematch: find movie on yts from imdb watchlist

while doing mix hex.publish following error:

** (Mix) Stopping package build due to errors.
Dependencies excluded from the package (only Hex packages can be dependencies): hackney

Any input would be appericated.

That’s by design. Hex packages cannot have git dependencies. See also this link from 2016: github dependencies in hex packages are ignored · Issue #242 · hexpm/hex · GitHub

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I see your mix.exs has

  {:hackney, github: "benoitc/hackney", override: true},

And I suppose this is relevant Mix publish package | Hex

Only Hex packages may be used as dependencies of the package. It is not possible to upload packages with Git dependencies

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@edisonywh Thanks for input.

Thanks for input @kip