ETS Value containing list. Odd problem

Let’s say there is a “table” with key as “data_points” and the value is a list of tuples. Each tuple has 4 elements. Something like {“1”, 3,"", “”}. The values are stored correctly for 43 entries in the list. After that the tuple value is truncated. Is there a limit on ETS / value or am I missing anything? Any help is much appreciated. Here is the data stored in ETS

  {"1", 1, "", ""},
  {"2", 1, "", ""},
  {"3", 3, "", ""},
  {"4", 3, "", ""},
  {"5", 3, "", ""},
  {"6", 3, "", ""},
  {"7", 3, "", ""},
  {"8", 3, "", ""},
  {"9", 1, "", ""},
  {"10", 1, "", ""},
  {"11", 3, "", ""},
  {"12", 3, "", ""},
  {"13", 3, "", ""},
  {"14", 3, "", ""},
  {"15", 1, "", ""},
  {"16", 3, "", ""},
  {"17", 3, "", ""},
  {"18", 3, "", ""},
  {"19", 3, "", ""},
  {"20", 3, "", ""},
  {"21", 3, "", ""},
  {"22", 1, "", ""},
  {"23", 1, "", ""},
  {"24", 1, "", ""},
  {"25", 1, "", ""},
  {"26", 1, "", ""},
  {"27", 3, "", ""},
  {"28", 3, "", ""},
  {"29", 3, "", ""},
  {"30", 3, "", ""},
  {"31", 3, "", ""},
  {"32", 3, "", ""},
  {"33", 3, "", ""},
  {"34", 3, "", ""},
  {"35", 3, "", ""},
  {"36", 3, "", ""},
  {"37", 3, "", ""},
  {"38", 3, "", ""},
  {"39", 3, "", ""},
  {"40", 3, "", ""},
  {"41", 3, "", ""},
  {"42", 3, "", ""},
  {"43", 1, "", ""},
  {"44", 1, "", ...},
  {"45", 1, ...},
  {"46", ...},

The values are all inserted the same way. Example entry 44 is inserted as {“44”, 1", “”, “”} but gets truncated

You’ll want to add limit: :infinity to the IO.inspect\2 statement. By default it truncates the output.

You can see all options here:


Aha, it had to be something like that. Thanks for the inputs