ex_aws s3 with local minio throws error econnnrefused


I have this configuration for uploading files into a local minio server:

config :ex_aws, :s3,
access_key_id: “xxxxxxxxxx”,
secret_access_key: “xxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyy”,
region: “us-east-1”,
bucket: “my_bucket”,
scope: “store”,
scheme: “http://”,
port: 9199,
host: “localhost”

and get this error:

[warn] ExAws: HTTP ERROR: :econnrefused
** (ExAws.Error) ExAws Request Error!
{:error, :econnrefused}

Any suggestion?

I changed the port to the one given by the minio server when started.

Now get this error in the console:

Lager fatally failed to install handler lager_console_backend into lager_event, NOT retrying: {bad_level, warn}

That seems unrelated, ExAws doesn’t use lager.

scope and bucket aren’t valid config options by the way, and your access / secret keys should probably be configured via environment variables.

Right, the Lager error is unrelated. I changed the ex_aws configuration (changed the port to the one minio sets and bucket to local) and now, although the Lager error is still there, files are uploaded with no problem.

AWS Credentials

config :ex_aws, :s3,
access_key_id: “xxxxxxxxxxxx”,
secret_access_key: “xxxxaxxxxaxxxaa”,
region: “local”,
bucket: “my_bucket”,
scope: “store”,
scheme: “http://”,
port: 9000,
host: “localhost”


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