Examples of code that follow the "Elixir Way"?

I’ve been recently trying to “level up” my Elixir code. In Python there is the idea of code being very “Pythonic”. In Elixir…not sure what you’d call that. What are some examples of code (well known, personal projects, etc) that you feel exhibit good Elixir habits and design.

Thank you in advance!


It sounds like you’re asking about what would be considered idiomatic in terms of coding style and how to organize an application; both the source files and the code within the source files.

Python has The Zen of Python, which includes:

There should be one—and preferably only one—obvious way to do it.

I’m not aware of any similar set of aphorisms for Elixir, although I suppose the Python aphorisms could be successfully applied as general rules of thumb when coding in most languages.

I often hear Elixir developers talk about explicitness and readability. That seems to be important.

Elixir has a built-in code formatter which can help with structuring code “the correct way.” Certain frameworks and libraries, such as Phoenix, add a suggested folder- and file structure.

Other than that, I think pretty much anything goes.

I would suggest browsing through open source projects and looking at how they are structured at different levels. This might be helpful in building up an intuition for idiomatic Elixir.

Do you have a favorite project that might be a good jumping off point?

I would also mention credo, which covers style guide conventions that a formatter would be unable to.

As far as idiomatic projects, I would suggest looking at:


I’m just a beginner myself, so my knowledge is rather limited. I’m sure a more experienced forum friend will drop in and provide some good references. I would appreciate that as well.

Awesome! I wasn’t aware of credo until now. That will be useful.

Yep, it’s called idiomatic-elixir :003:

I’ll add the tag to your thread for you :023:


heck yeah, thanks

Rock on, Thank you

credo can be incorporated in the IDE, so that it can point of “code smells” while you are writing the code. I’ve used it only with emacs/alchemist.el, I’m sure other integrations exists.

Having said that - in my opinion (I’m a elixir-beginner myself) the tool will catch errors, but need not help you write “idiomatic elixir” (Looking at credo source code might, but some “seasoned” developer confirm that)