ExAws.request() - is it possible to pass in a specific access_key_id and secret_access_key to override the existing config?

When creating an ExAws.request() is it possible to pass in a specific access_key_id and secret_access_key to override the existing config? For example, should something like this work?
ExAws.S3.list_buckets() |> ExAws.request([region: "us-east-2", access_key_id: "…", secret_access_key: "…"])

The documentation for ExAws.request says that it should (middle example):

Is it not working for your application?

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I was looking at that in the docs, but I wasn’t sure if passing in an access_key_id and secret_acess_key was also supported. And I ask because it’s not working as expected for me right now. I keep getting 403s on the request.

What do you get if you pass debug_requests: true to ExAws.request along with the other options?

One way I could see this situation happening is if your application-level ExAws config sets security_token but your override doesn’t say security_token: nil; you will be able to tell if this is happening if you see a X-Amz-Security-Token token header in the debug_requests output.

It doesn’t look like that’s the issue since I don’t see that header in the request output. Here’s a debugged request output with the IDs removed:

 {:http_error, 403,
    body: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message><RequestId>...</RequestId><HostId>...</HostId></Error>",
    headers: [
      {"x-amz-request-id", "..."},
      {"Content-Type", "application/xml"},
      {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"},
      {"Date", "Wed, 12 Oct 2022 12:43:35 GMT"},
      {"Server", "AmazonS3"}
    status_code: 403

And here’s how our ex_aws is currently configured:

config :ex_aws,
  secret_access_key: [{:awscli, "profile_name", 30}],
  access_key_id: [{:awscli, "profile_name", 30}],
  awscli_auth_adapter: ExAws.STS.AuthCache.AssumeRoleWebIdentityAdapter

For some additional context, this access_key and secret are hosted by a third party provider.

Update: this method did in fact work. I was just using an IP address that wasn’t whitelisted.