ExDoc: link to docs for Erlang dependency

Per the docs, ExDoc is able to link to Elixir modules found in Hex. I’d link to do the same for hackney but can’t get it to work. How can I e.g. have “Depends on :hackney.” in my docs with a nice link to :hackney? The same works when e.g. replacing :hackney with Jason.

We’re not auto linking to Erlang modules because it’s too easy to get a false positive, imagine:


* `:file` - name of the file

we don’t want to link to http://erlang.org/doc/man/file.html.

We’re still auto linking to functions though so this will work:

See `:hackney.request/1`.

and will link to https://hexdocs.pm/hackney/hackney.html#request-1.

For your particular case, I suggest either of these:

Depends on [`:hackney`](https://hexdocs.pm/hackney).
[Depends on `:hackney`](https://hexdocs.pm/hackney).