** (EXIT) time out - Presence.track / Presence.list

Hello everyone :wink: ,

I am required to load test products before deployment, and unfortunately, I am facing a big issue with Presence.track (and possibly Presence.list() in the future, as for links at the end).

Here is the simple implementation of the channel I used for load testing:

  @impl true
  def join("room:lobby", payload, socket) do
    send(self(), :after_join)
    {:ok, socket}
  def handle_info(:after_join, socket) do
    {:ok, _} = ChattingWeb.Channels.Presence.track(socket, socket.id, %{})
    {:noreply, socket}

  @spec terminate(any(), any()) :: :ok
  def terminate(reason, _socket) do
    Logger.debug"[RoomChannel] terminate #{inspect reason}"

What I have tried (changing pool_size) with no noticeable results:

  # application.ex
  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
	  # ...
      {Phoenix.PubSub, [name: Chatting.PubSub, pool_size: 100]},
      {ChattingWeb.Channels.Presence, [pool_size: 10_000 ]},

(2) Wrap Presence.track inside a task? This will make Presence Tracker very very inconsistent as it is already eventually consistent by design, so that is not the solution

14:54:25.523 [debug] [RoomChannel] terminate {:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [ChattingWeb.Channels.Presence_shard1484, {:track, #PID<0.544937.0>, "room:lobby", "91990be2-cf40-45e4-b2b2-d225bb45f5eb", %{}}, 5000]}}
14:54:25.522 [error] GenServer #PID<0.542937.0> terminating
** (stop) exited in: GenServer.call(ChattingWeb.Channels.Presence_shard1484, {:track, #PID<0.542937.0>, "room:lobby", "49b459ef-e13a-4ed7-8c7b-5c15cbd0d781", %{}}, 5000)
    ** (EXIT) time out
    (elixir 1.16.2) lib/gen_server.ex:1114: GenServer.call/3
    (chatting 0.1.0) lib/chatting_web/channels/room_channel.ex:20: ChattingWeb.RoomChannel.handle_info/2
    (phoenix 1.7.11) lib/phoenix/channel/server.ex:358: Phoenix.Channel.Server.handle_info/2
    (stdlib 5.2.1) gen_server.erl:1095: :gen_server.try_handle_info/3
    (stdlib 5.2.1) gen_server.erl:1183: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
    (stdlib 5.2.1) proc_lib.erl:241: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: :after_join
State: %Phoenix.Socket{assigns: %{}, channel: ChattingWeb.RoomChannel, channel_pid: #PID<0.542937.0>, endpoint: ChattingWeb.Endpoint, handler: ChattingWeb.UserSocket, id: "49b459ef-e13a-4ed7-8c7b-5c15cbd0d781", joined: true, join_ref: "3", private: %{log_handle_in: :debug, log_join: :info}, pubsub_server: Chatting.PubSub, ref: nil, serializer: Phoenix.Socket.V2.JSONSerializer, topic: "room:lobby", transport: :websocket, transport_pid: #PID<0.543895.0>}
14:54:25.522 [error] GenServer #PID<0.544271.0> terminating
** (stop) exited in: GenServer.call(ChattingWeb.Channels.Presence_shard1484, {:track, #PID<0.544271.0>, "room:lobby", "94ebe1e7-3594-4a02-a8eb-e72113b5353e", %{}}, 5000)
    ** (EXIT) time out
    (elixir 1.16.2) lib/gen_server.ex:1114: GenServer.call/3
    (chatting 0.1.0) lib/chatting_web/channels/room_channel.ex:20: ChattingWeb.RoomChannel.handle_info/2
    (phoenix 1.7.11) lib/phoenix/channel/server.ex:358: Phoenix.Channel.Server.handle_info/2
    (stdlib 5.2.1) gen_server.erl:1095: :gen_server.try_handle_info/3
    (stdlib 5.2.1) gen_server.erl:1183: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
    (stdlib 5.2.1) proc_lib.erl:241: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: :after_join

14:54:30.445 [error] GenServer ChattingWeb.Channels.Presence_shard1484 terminating
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {:error, {:system_limit, [{:erlang, :spawn_link, [Task.Supervised, :reply, [{:nonode@nohost, ChattingWeb.Channels.Presence_shard1484, #PID<0.2052.0>}, [#PID<0.566.0>, ChattingWeb.Channels.Presence.Supervisor, Chatting.Supervisor, #PID<0.342.0>], :monitor]], [error_info: %{module: :erl_erts_errors}]}, {Task.Supervised, :start_link, 2, [file: ~c"lib/task/supervised.ex", line: 14]}, {DynamicSupervisor, :start_child, 3, [file: ~c"lib/dynamic_supervisor.ex", line: 795]}, {DynamicSupervisor, :handle_start_child, 2, [file: ~c"lib/dynamic_supervisor.ex", line: 781]}, {:gen_server, :try_handle_call, 4, [file: ~c"gen_server.erl", line: 1131]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: ~c"gen_server.erl", line: 1160]}, {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: ~c"proc_lib.erl", line: 241]}]}}
    (elixir 1.16.2) lib/task/supervisor.ex:546: Task.Supervisor.async/6
    (phoenix 1.7.11) lib/phoenix/presence.ex:606: Phoenix.Presence.async_merge/2
    (phoenix 1.7.11) lib/phoenix/presence.ex:500: Phoenix.Presence.handle_diff/2
    (phoenix_pubsub 2.1.3) lib/phoenix/tracker/shard.ex:508: Phoenix.Tracker.Shard.report_diff/3
    (phoenix_pubsub 2.1.3) lib/phoenix/tracker/shard.ex:344: Phoenix.Tracker.Shard.drop_presence/2
    (phoenix_pubsub 2.1.3) lib/phoenix/tracker/shard.ex:218: Phoenix.Tracker.Shard.handle_info/2
    (stdlib 5.2.1) gen_server.erl:1095: :gen_server.try_handle_info/3
    (stdlib 5.2.1) gen_server.erl:1183: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
    (stdlib 5.2.1) proc_lib.erl:241: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: {:EXIT, #PID<0.554202.0>, :noproc}
State: %{pubsub_server: Chatting.PubSub, log_level: false, presences: %Phoenix.Tracker.State{replica: {:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, context: %{{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337} => 334608}, clouds: %{{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337} => MapSet.new([{{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 253267}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 306433}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 235263}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 289567}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 280347}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 262143}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 237141}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 278634}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 274722}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 287044}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 279115}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 317479}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 305956}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 329034}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 321040}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 254547}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 315778}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 275319}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245256}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 252318}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 247804}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 254101}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 235555}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 248297}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 293332}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 261099}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 319460}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 253883}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 322082}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 319785}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 306916}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 304791}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 299706}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 257108}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 307406}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 305716}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 300977}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 297285}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 323886}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 282769}, {{:nonode@nohost, ...}, 288775}, {{...}, ...}, {...}, ...])}, values: ChattingWeb.Channels.Presence_shard1484, pids: #Reference<0.3223613206.2631270406.173034>, mode: :normal, delta: %Phoenix.Tracker.State{replica: {:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, context: %{}, clouds: %{{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337} => MapSet.new([{{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 253267}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 306433}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 243256}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 141152}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 235263}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 289567}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 280347}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 148722}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 262143}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 240776}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 233737}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 237141}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 240841}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 181530}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 278634}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 158785}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 186440}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 274722}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 287044}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 279115}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 317479}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 305956}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 329034}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 179127}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 321040}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 254547}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 233121}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 185188}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 137959}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 315778}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 275319}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245256}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 252318}, {{:nonode@nohost, ...}, 247804}, {{...}, ...}, {...}, ...])}, values: %{{{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245256} => {#PID<0.556979.0>, "room:lobby", "9ff6e317-fccf-4934-8f31-8983d31f94c7", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N5qBap8Q0QF"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245605} => {#PID<0.558387.0>, "room:lobby", "993be463-7012-4db1-9c08-f3ae287c8cbf", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N7oicl8Q7ME"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 244570} => {#PID<0.554235.0>, "room:lobby", "efb244ac-9aec-4968-8c9a-f22e4f593571", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N1kKbF8Q1ZC"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245697} => {#PID<0.558594.0>, "room:lobby", "8327bc69-fc55-4b0e-8134-99bfeb846ae7", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N8MQPl8QyjD"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245338} => {#PID<0.557424.0>, "room:lobby", "02f39af0-426b-418d-a3e3-b6d6eb2e0b79", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N6JPAR8Q1VF"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245578} => {#PID<0.558860.0>, "room:lobby", "823b865d-7fc4-405c-a6da-e7e9d6c21943", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N7eD558Q67E"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245814} => {#PID<0.558927.0>, "room:lobby", "4933d3b9-8a59-42af-8a9e-9a9faa062936", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N81ugF8Q3hC"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245037} => {#PID<0.546531.0>, "room:lobby", "2446a94f-2bb5-4b4e-90b7-83edcb5c7f7e", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N4X3Sd8Q6dI"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245407} => {#PID<0.547176.0>, "room:lobby", "a382cc0a-039e-4337-8166-720519b0bca1", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N6hOV18Q6FE"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 244556} => {#PID<0.554272.0>, "room:lobby", "5c1caa8a-28b2-4344-bc18-eef73ca02427", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N1e8gl8Q1LC"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 244751} => {#PID<0.544335.0>, "room:lobby", "d3bc2049-6cda-4427-95de-40ac61972599", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N2f_9l8Q9KK"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245509} => {#PID<0.557177.0>, "room:lobby", "77db1d76-c499-4e00-8398-2b950b886e2b", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N7HO2N8Q2uF"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245566} => {#PID<0.558106.0>, "room:lobby", "3f00d128-84b6-49e9-ba43-3f4788bb2d35", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N7aaKR8Q6wE"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245441} => {#PID<0.557106.0>, "room:lobby", "5289fd9e-5a63-44f9-8ea3-115e6659c3f5", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N6sSKx8Q2MF"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 244693} => {#PID<0.546227.0>, "room:lobby", "8011d44c-39d7-4d65-bf53-ca9cba5a4cd6", %{phx_ref: "F8py1N2LnLZ8Q3UC"}}, {{:nonode@nohost, 1714308076082337}, 245062} => {#PID<0.556411.0>, "room:lobby", "d9314ded-8456-4c95-9c95 (truncated)

Possibly ChattingWeb.Channels.Presence_shard1484 is getting too many messages in its inbox?

The following problem has been addressed here with implementation changes of the past:

Can you elaborate regarding some specific numbers? How many client processes do you have? How many are you adding per second? What sort of machine are you testing this on?

I would also sanity check some basic benchmarking best practices like making sure you’re using releases so that all the code is eager loaded, and making sure you’re in prod so that the dev code loader isn’t running.


  • CPU Model name: Intel(R) Core™ i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • SSD
  • RAM 32 GB
  • CPU min max Frequency locked at 4.40GHz


  • Start CMD (no iex) with the command: SECRET_KEY_BASE=123 DATABASE_PATH=./prod_db/chatting_dev.db MIX_ENV=prod elixir --erl "+P 30000" -S mix phx.server
  • runtime.ex config: Very basic as it ships.
  • config.ex config: Very basic with a few added configurations such as guardian and cors_plug.
  • prod.ex config: very basic with logger set to warning
    If needed, I can, of course, provide the full content of these files, but they are fairly long.

Load testing:

  • Load testing tool: JMeter with 30 threads
  • This test focuses more on connecting and reconnecting rather than maintaining a persistent connection to the host (simply because I don’t have available machines to maintain persistent connections. However, based on an article I read a long time ago, I believe achieving 2 million connections on a single node is possible with Phoenix, so I will accept that as it is :smile: )
    I use the same machine I for load testing and hosting
    -JMeter does not maintain all connections, so it drops them after some short time.

Report by JMeter:

System state at load:

I also tried bundling the entire project into a single release build to see if code is lazy loaded or eager loaded as @benwilson512 mentioned

mix release 
PORT=4000 SECRET_KEY_BASE=123 DATABASE_PATH=./prod_db/chatting_dev.db _build/prod/rel/chatting/bin/chatting start

Still encountering the same kind of errors.

I also noticed that the process count reaches the process limit very quickly within a few seconds under load

iex(chatting@user)1>  :erlang.system_info(:process_limit)

iex(chatting@user)3> :erlang.system_info(:process_count)

iex(chatting@user)20> :erlang.system_info(:process_count)

So, I’m not sure how to solve that, or if it could be solved? :slightly_frowning_face:

As far as I can tell, from your test, you’re having 10k connections per second join a single topic. I’m not super sure what to say other than that I guess that’s the limit of that for a single node, which seems like plenty. I would consider a test which uses different topics so that the sharding provides some real benefit.

EDIT: As far as process count goes, you may want to read The Road to 2 Million Websocket Connections in Phoenix - Phoenix Blog for details on how to maximize supported connections on a single node.

Increasing the timeout in the GenServer.call function in the following code snippet solves the issue, but it blocks the process due to synchronous call.

This effectively results in high load on the presence shard, eventually making the system stale if the load persists for many hours (without rate limiting). I wonder if it’s possible to modify Presence.cast_track for an asynchronous call that doesn’t wait for a blob of binary data, but simply tracks eventually.

# lib/phoenix/tracker.ex 

 @spec track(atom, pid, topic, term, map) :: {:ok, ref :: binary} | {:error, reason :: term}
 def track(tracker_name, pid, topic, key, meta) when is_pid(pid) and is_map(meta) do
   |> Shard.name_for_topic(topic, pool_size(tracker_name))
   |> GenServer.call({:track, pid, topic, key, meta}, 50_000) # **<--- timeout** 
MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.compile
SECRET_KEY_BASE=123 DATABASE_PATH=./prod_db/chatting_dev.db MIX_ENV=prod iex --erl "+P 9000000" -S mix phx.server

I suspect making it async will only move the issue elsewhere, back pressure has to come from somewhere. It’s better IMHO for a process joining a very busy topic to be slow vs processes allowed to join at some synthetically high rate and then OOMing the node when all the messages back up.

Did you try it with joining different topics vs all on one?

1 Like

I’ve been struggling with that issue as well…

I developed a test which makes users joins rooms that are capped to 70 users max for each topic.
The feature works well and is quickly able to assign each user socket to a room with slots available.
At the end of that process, I need to do

 ChannelsPresence.track(self(), room, socket.assigns[:user_id], %{})
push(socket, "presence_state",  MessagesWeb.Challenges.Channels.Presence.list(room))

I was expecting Presence.list to perform well since all my rooms are quite small.

Phoenix.Tracker. track started timing out at 100_000 concurrent joins, and increasing the pool_size from 1 to 1000 fixed the problem and I was able to get to 200_000 concurrent joins.

Though regarding Presence.List, it times out at less than 105_000 or less.
The only solution I found out so far is to change the Tracker implementation as suggested above, with few modifications, to get the list from :ets instead of going through the state, as Presence.list always ends up timing out as the number of joins increase .