I am trying to run exq and exq_ui in my prod environment, I am getting the following error -
{:info, ["Application ", “exq_ui”, " exited: " | “exited in: ExqUi.start(:normal, [])\n ** (EXIT) exited in: GenServer.call(ExqUi.Api, :queue_size, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out”], {{2019, 8, 5}, {12, 17, 6, 180}}, [module: :application_controller, function: “info_exited/3”, file: “application_controller.erl”, line: 1941]}
my config for exq and exq_ui is as follows -
config :exq,
name: Exq,
host: "<host>",
port: 6979,
password: "<password>",
database: 20,
namespace: "exq",
concurrency: 20,
queues: [<queues>],
poll_timeout: 50,
scheduler_poll_timeout: 200,
scheduler_enable: true,
max_retries: 0,
shutdown_timeout: 5000,
start_on_application: false
config :exq_ui,
web_port: 4040,
web_namespace: "",
server: true
The application is not starting and is throwing the above error.
Can someone please help me out in figuring out the issue.