External uploads custom metadata

Is there a way to add custom meta data back to entry after the upload?

import { UploadClient } from '@uploadcare/upload-client'

const client = new UploadClient({ publicKey: "publicKey" })

const Uploadcare = (entries, onViewError) => {
    const uploadEntry = makeEntryUploader(onViewError)

const makeEntryUploader = (onViewError) => async (entry) => {
    const onProgress = ({ isComputable, value }) => {
        if (isComputable) {
            let percent = Math.round(value * 100)
            if (percent < 100) { entry.progress(percent) }

    const abortController = new AbortController()
    onViewError(() => abortController.abort())
    const result = await client.uploadFile(entry.file, {
        signal: abortController.signal,

    // How to add the data to the entry?
    entry.meta = {
        // This doesn't work:
        uploadcare: result

const uploaders = {

export default uploaders

I have this in the live view:

defp presign_upload(entry, socket) do
    meta = %{uploader: "Uploadcare"}
    {:ok, meta, socket}

But I only get the url and stuff in the response from the await client.uploadFile(entry.file, {

Has anyone ran into this? Do I need move the uploading to the server side to get the required data?

For anyone else interested this is the current solution i arrived at.
It’s a hack with the least amount of indirection that i could come up with.