ExUnit test not get session_id trough graphql auth mutations

For better understanding I have 3 mutations createUser, login and logout. They are based on Phoenix Session. When I do a manual test in GraphiQL I got functionality as expected, but in an ExUnit test there is no session_id in the cookies and so when I try to test log out the login (which happened in setup) is not resolved on the server.

Anyone has an idea where could be the difference here? Thought about an config problem but the session config is in config.exs so it should be used in ENV=test as well, right?

Short example of the testing szenario:

test "Logout user", %{conn: conn} do 
  conn =
      post(conn, "/graphql", %{
        "query" => @create_user_mutation,
        "variables" => %{user: @create_user_variables}
  conn =
        post(conn, "/graphql", %{
          "query" => @login_user_mutation,
          "variables" => %{
            email: @create_user_variables.email,
            password: @create_user_variables.password
  conn =
        post(conn, "/graphql", %{
          "query" => @logout_user_mutation
 # Got UserNotLoggedIn 400 something