FallbackController for response

My Pheonix app is set up to be a bridge between a legacy JQuery web-app and Hubspot CRM.

I have all the functionality working to capture a contact in the JQuery side, pass it to the Pheonix app, and then sent a Create_Or_Update post to Hubspot leveraging a slightly updated Hubspotex implementation.

When the HTTP POST request is fired to Hubspot, it is returning a 200 response as expected, but I’m throwing an error in my Phoenix app and I’m not sure what to do to avoid the exception. I think I’m not handling the return correctly.

The function sending to Hubspot is:

  def send_to_hubspot(%Person{} = person) do
    email = person.email
    firstname = person.firstName
    lastname = person.lastName
    registration_event = person.event
    mobilephone = person.sms_phone
    body = %{properties: [
                %{property: "firstname", value: firstname},
                %{property: "lastname", value: lastname},
                %{property: "mobilephone", value: mobilephone},
                %{property: "registration_event", value: registration_event}
    req = Hubspot.Contacts.create_or_update(email, body)
    case Hubspot.request(req) do
      {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200}} ->
      {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 409}} ->
        IO.puts "Conflict error response if you are trying to update the email address of a record, and there is an existing record with the new email address."
      {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} ->
        IO.puts reason


I am calling the function after the Ecto/Postgres database is updated in this function (which is where I think my actual problem is…

  def update_person(%Person{} = person, attrs) do
    |> Person.changeset(attrs)
    |> Repo.update()

And I’m getting the following exception in the console:

[error] #PID<0.538.0> running ScandimensionWeb.Endpoint (connection #PID<0.537.0>, stream id 1) terminated
Server: localhost:4000 (http)
Request: PUT /api/people/1
** (exit) an exception was raised:

    ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in ScandimensionWeb.FallbackController.call/2
        (scandimension) lib/scandimension_web/controllers/fallback_controller.ex:10: 
            ScandimensionWeb.FallbackController.call(%Plug.Conn{adapter: {Plug.Cowboy.Conn, :...}, 
                assigns: %{}, 
                before_send: [#Function<0.58261320/1 in Plug.Session.before_send/2>, #Function<1.112466771/1 in Plug.Logger.call/2>, #Function<0.33752287/1 in Phoenix.LiveReloader.before_send_inject_reloader/2>], 
                body_params: %{"person" => %{"email" => "test@test.com", "event" => "AustinMakerFaire", "firstName" => "Tom", "id" => 1, "lastName" => "Tester", "slot_score" => 5, "sms_phone" => "8015551212"}}, 
                cookies: %{"_scandimension_key" => "SFMyNTY.g3QAAAABbQAAAA9jdXJyZW50X3VzZXJfaWRhAQ.n-kVxZ-a6yhdrUfPzwxSbxhtBjqizNzaQF5XPYsXi1g"}, 
                halted: false, host: "localhost", method: "PUT", owner: #PID<0.538.0>, 
                params: %{"id" => "1", "person" => %{"email" => "test@test.com", "event" => "AustinMakerFaire", "firstName" => "Tom", "id" => 1, "lastName" => "Tester", "slot_score" => 5, "sms_phone" => "8015551212"}}, 
                path_info: ["api", "people", "1"], 
                path_params: %{"id" => "1"}, port: 4000, private: %{ScandimensionWeb.Router => {[], %{}}, 
                :phoenix_action => :update, 
                :phoenix_controller => ScandimensionWeb.PersonController, 
                :phoenix_endpoint => ScandimensionWeb.Endpoint, 
                :phoenix_format => "json", 
                :phoenix_layout => {ScandimensionWeb.LayoutView, :app}, 
                :phoenix_pipelines => [:api], 
                :phoenix_router => ScandimensionWeb.Router, 
                :phoenix_view => ScandimensionWeb.PersonView, 
                :plug_session => %{"current_user_id" => 1}, :plug_session_fetch => :done}, 
                query_params: %{}, query_string: "", 
                remote_ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, r
                eq_cookies: %{"_scandimension_key" => "SFMyNTY.g3QAAAABbQAAAA9jdXJyZW50X3VzZXJfaWRhAQ.n-kVxZ-a6yhdrUfPzwxSbxhtBjqizNzaQF5XPYsXi1g"}, 
                req_headers: [{"accept", "*/*"}, 
                    {"accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate"}, 
                    {"cache-control", "no-cache"}, 
                    {"connection", "keep-alive"}, 
                    {"content-length", "148"}, 
                    {"content-type", "application/json"}, 
                    {"cookie", "_scandimension_key=SFMyNTY.g3QAAAABbQAAAA9jdXJyZW50X3VzZXJfaWRhAQ.n-kVxZ-a6yhdrUfPzwxSbxhtBjqizNzaQF5XPYsXi1g"}, 
                    {"host", "localhost:4000"}, 
                    {"postman-token", "72fffb40-c564-4aa1-91bf-f3c6960ed369"}, 
                    {"user-agent", "PostmanRuntime/7.11.0"}], 
                request_path: "/api/people/1", 
                resp_body: nil, 
                resp_cookies: %{}, 
                resp_headers: [{"cache-control", "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"}, {"x-request-id", "FZkgGTd0_LBHp24AAAGC"}], 
                    scheme: :http, 
                    script_name: [], 
                    secret_key_base: :..., 
                    state: :unset, 
                    status: nil}, 
                    %Scandimension.Prospects.Person{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "people">, email: "test@test.com", event: nil, firstName: "Tom", id: 1, inserted_at: ~N[2019-04-25 16:08:38], is_synched: false, lastName: "Tester", slot_score: 5, sms_phone: "8015551212", updated_at: ~N[2019-04-26 20:20:05]})
        (scandimension) lib/scandimension_web/controllers/person_controller.ex:1: ScandimensionWeb.PersonController.action/2
        (scandimension) lib/scandimension_web/controllers/person_controller.ex:1: ScandimensionWeb.PersonController.phoenix_controller_pipeline/2
        (scandimension) lib/scandimension_web/endpoint.ex:1: ScandimensionWeb.Endpoint.instrument/4
        (phoenix) lib/phoenix/router.ex:275: Phoenix.Router.__call__/1
        (scandimension) lib/scandimension_web/endpoint.ex:1: ScandimensionWeb.Endpoint.plug_builder_call/2
        (scandimension) lib/plug/debugger.ex:122: ScandimensionWeb.Endpoint."call (overridable 3)"/2
        (scandimension) lib/scandimension_web/endpoint.ex:1: ScandimensionWeb.Endpoint.call/2
        (phoenix) lib/phoenix/endpoint/cowboy2_handler.ex:33: Phoenix.Endpoint.Cowboy2Handler.init/2
        (cowboy) /Users/chipcoons/Dev/Phoenix/scandimension/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_handler.erl:41: :cowboy_handler.execute/2
        (cowboy) /Users/chipcoons/Dev/Phoenix/scandimension/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl:296: :cowboy_stream_h.execute/3
        (cowboy) /Users/chipcoons/Dev/Phoenix/scandimension/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl:274: :cowboy_stream_h.request_process/3
        (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3

Can you show your fallback controller and PersonController?

defmodule ScandimensionWeb.PersonController do
  use ScandimensionWeb, :controller

  import Ecto.Query, warn: false

  alias Scandimension.Repo
  alias Scandimension.Prospects
  alias Scandimension.Prospects.Person

  action_fallback ScandimensionWeb.FallbackController

  def index(conn, _params) do
    people = Prospects.list_people()
    render(conn, "index.json", people: people)

  def create(conn, %{"person" => person_params}) do
    with {:ok, %Person{} = person} <- Prospects.create_person(person_params) do
      |> put_status(:created)
      |> put_resp_header("location", Routes.person_path(conn, :show, person))
      |> render("show.json", person: person)

  def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
    person = Prospects.get_person!(id)
    render(conn, "show.json", person: person)

  def update(conn, %{"id" => id, "person" => person_params}) do
    person = Prospects.get_person!(id)

    with {:ok, %Person{} = person} <- Prospects.update_person(person, person_params) do
      render(conn, "show.json", person: person)

  def delete(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
    person = Prospects.get_person!(id)

    with {:ok, %Person{}} <- Prospects.delete_person(person) do
      send_resp(conn, :no_content, "")

  def fetch_person(conn, %{"email" => email, "event" => event }) do
    query = from "people", where: [email: ^email]

    if (Repo.exists?(query)) do
      person = Prospects.get_person_byEmail!(email)
      render(conn, "show.json", person: person)
      temp = %{email: email, event: event}

      with {:ok, %Person{} = person} <- Prospects.create_person(temp) do
        |> put_status(:created)
        |> put_resp_header("location", Routes.person_path(conn, :show, person))
        |> render("show.json", person: person)




defmodule ScandimensionWeb.FallbackController do
  @moduledoc """
  Translates controller action results into valid `Plug.Conn` responses.

  See `Phoenix.Controller.action_fallback/1` for more details.
  use ScandimensionWeb, :controller

  def call(conn, {:error, :not_found}) do
    |> put_status(:not_found)
    |> put_view(ScandimensionWeb.ErrorView)
    |> render(:"404")

  def call(conn, {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset}) do
    |> put_status(:unprocessable_entity)
    |> put_view(ScandimensionWeb.ChangesetView)
    |> render("error.json", changeset: changeset)


Is Prospects.create_person(person_params) returning a result that matches {:ok, %Persion{}? If it’s just directly calling send_to_hubspot then it doesn’t appear to be (and you probably want to finesse the return values of send_to_hubspot anyway).

Right now I’m only using the update_person call…

However, I am looking at changing the parameters to the send_to_hubspot() function so I can just chain the results:

  def update_person(%Person{} = person, attrs) do
    |> Person.changeset(attrs)
    |> Repo.update()
    |> send_to_hubspot()

But I haven’t quite got that wired up yet.

Ah, right. So what is Prospects.update_person/2 returning?

{:ok, %Person{}}

If I pass that result into send_to_hubspot, I should be able to pattern match on the value, and then populate the JSON body to send to Hubspot, right? But I’m getting messed up in the syntax of writing that for some reason.

I cleaned up my function some and got rid of the error.

  def send_to_hubspot(attrs \\ %{}) do

    with {:ok, person} = attrs do
      email = person.email
      firstname = person.firstName
      lastname = person.lastName
      registration_event = person.event
      mobilephone = person.sms_phone
      body = %{properties: [
                %{property: "firstname", value: firstname},
                %{property: "lastname", value: lastname},
                %{property: "mobilephone", value: mobilephone},
                %{property: "registration_event", value: registration_event}

      req = Hubspot.Contacts.create_or_update(email, body)
          case Hubspot.request(req) do
            {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200}} ->
                {:ok, person}
            {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 409}} ->
              IO.puts "Conflict error response if you are trying to update the email address of a record, and there is an existing record with the new email address."
            {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} ->
              IO.puts reason

This lets me change the update function to be:

  def update_person(%Person{} = person, attrs) do
    |> Person.changeset(attrs)
    |> Repo.update()
    |> send_to_hubspot()

And data is flowing end-to-end without throwing exceptions. Thanks for the assistance.

I’m glad that you got it to work!