Fast Inventory System: Manage and downsize your home inventory

A simple home inventory manager and downsizer.

@nall and me started the project 7 month ago working part time on it. At the beginning we developed it for small businesses and homes (private user). We started the project with Phoenix.LiveView because we were excited about it and had some use cases (terminal and data tables).

A minimum viable product (MVP) was not in sight for a long time because we were working on too many features. So we ditched all small business features. That helped a lot to finalize the MVP, it also simplified the UI and we no longer needed Phoenix.LiveView.

@nall is managing his grocery at home using this tool. I am currently downsizing my home inventory. The tool is of great help here.


Do you plan on open-sourcing this?

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@Clemens - The ‘new stock’ form (choose file) that pops open the phone camera is real nice. On the desktop it opens a file browser as expected. Did you write any custom code to open the phone camera? Do you use off-the-shelf LiveView file-uploader? How are you doing image cropping?

Also - man that robotic voice over on the vid is so sweet. How did you do that??

“I’ll be back.”

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currently not … we hope to get some customers … or that Microsoft makes us an offer :smiley: … what part are you interested in? Maybe I can give you some code/details or do you need a feature?

Thank you @AndyL … the phone/camera behavior works out-of-the-box with:

<input type="file" accept="image/jpeg" capture>

The image cropping works by using a hidden canvas element on the client, shrink it and get the base64. The base64 is transferred to the server and the server creates an image again out of the base64 (so it can be cached). Hope this info helps… let me know if you need more details

the voice is from :smiley:

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