Been working on a side project of mine, ref JourniPlan. I wanted to check out Commanded library for cqrs/es and quickly found out Testcontainers for elixir was ill equipped to support a dual database phoenix app. So i made a custom mix task to run tests with testcontainers. Maybe i will push this upstream to testcontainers some day, maybe the testcontainers library can expose such a mix task. With more options of course.
For me, the value of cqrs is the ability to focus more on the actions/commands and the produced events, rather than a mish mash of convoluted schemas and context functions. I like the idea of having one command generating multiple events. And it will be possible to introduce an event log in the future (just a different projection into an events_log table, that is queryable/viewable.
Got one interested collaborator already. If more want to join, feel free to make an issue and create a PR. Or not. Might just be one of my personal pet projects that dies a silent death But who knows
My question for feedback is more on the overuse of commanded, and if commanded is well suited for a phoenix app and if my setup is well equipped. I used changeset validations in the create commands with even foreign key validations to avoid generating events that never project …