File.dir? not working?

iex(11)> lst =!(Path.expand("./.git"))                             
["HEAD", "hooks", "index", "branches", "refs", "logs", "COMMIT_EDITMSG",
 "objects", "ORIG_HEAD", "config", "description", "info"]
iex(12)> dirs = for x <- lst, File.dir?(x), do: x 
iex(13)> lst = for x <-!(Path.expand("./.git")), do: Path.expand(x)
iex(14)> dirs = for x <- lst, File.dir?(x), do: x                          

Both relative and absolute path cases look equally wrong. Current directory listings are correct:

iex(15)> lst =!(Path.expand("."))                                  
["", ".git", "pcx", "deps", "mix.lock", "test", "_build", ".gitignore",
 "mix.exs", "config", "lib", ".formatter.exs", "e.vim"]
iex(16)> dirs = for x <- lst, File.dir?(x), do: x
[".git", "deps", "test", "_build", "config", "lib"]

Any ideas?

You are listing the contents of .git and then checking from current working dir without changing or basing on the .git folder. So the config identified here as a folder is probably the config folder of your mix project and the other simply don’t exist.


I’m sorry. Should have paid closer attention, without trusting expand blindly.

No need to be sorry, I know how easy it is to not see the details.