Fill a list after Enum.Each Loo^p

I’m trying to fill a list from the result of many loops (iterating another list) but the result is always empty here is my code :

list_a = []
list_b =  []
        Enum.each(list_c, fn(item) ->
          {item_a, item_b} = process(item)
          list_a ++ item_a.inner_list
          list_b ++ item_b.inner_list

For each iteration, item_a and item_b have a list named inner_list, so I tried to concatenate each time that list with the result lists but list_a and list_b are always empty.

Thanks in advance

See this: Why does the order for making a redirect and putting a new variable in conn matter? - #8 by LostKobrakai

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As mentionned by previous post, it will not work because of scope…

Also your code fits mutable language, but not immutable.

It does not mean You cannot do it, You have to do it in a different way.

{list_a, list_b} = Enum.reduce(..., {[], []}, fn el, acc -> ... end)

Like @LostKobrakai mentioned, scoping is one problem: code inside a do block can’t rebind variables outside of that block in a way that’s visible outside.

The other problem is that ++ makes a new list, it doesn’t mutate either argument. Code like what you posted is pretty common in other languages:

# in Ruby
list_a = []
list_b = []

list_c.each do |item|
  item_a, item_b = process(item)
# in Python
list_a = []
list_b = []

for item in list_c:
  item_a, item_b = process(item)

This approach will not work in Elixir. My suggestion is that you temporarily forget you even saw Enum.each; it’s only useful in a very narrow set of situations.

A better way to think about solving these kinds of problems in Elixir is to focus on how the “shape” of the data changes.

As a first step, we want to run process/1 on every element of list_c:

processed_list =, &process/1)

Each element of processed_list is a tuple shaped like {item_a, item_b}.

There are several possibilities here: we could refine these tuples by extracting inner_list, but instead we’ll start by regrouping them.

What we have is a list of 2-element tuples.
What we want is a 2-element tuple of lists (what the original called list_a and list_b)

This kind of transformation comes up often enough that it has a name: Enum.unzip/1. Using it looks like:

tuple_of_lists = Enum.unzip(processed_list)

Now tuple_of_lists is shaped like {list_of_item_as, list_of_item_bs}

Finally, we need to extract the inner_list parts. We could use again:

# not quite right - see below for a correct solution
{list_of_as, list_of_bs} = tuple_of_lists
list_a =, & &1.inner_list)
list_b =, & &1.inner_list)

but this doesn’t quite do what we’re looking for: it results in list_a and list_b being lists of lists. You could use List.flatten/1, if the values in inner_list are not themselves lists.


There’s an easier way! Again, what we’re looking for is referenced enough to have a name: Enum.flat_map:

{list_of_as, list_of_bs} = tuple_of_lists
list_a = Enum.flat_map(list_of_as, & &1.inner_list)
list_b = Enum.flat_map(list_of_bs, & &1.inner_list)

Putting all the pieces together gives this code:

processed_list =, &process/1)

tuple_of_lists = Enum.unzip(processed_list)

{list_of_as, list_of_bs} = tuple_of_lists
list_a = Enum.flat_map(list_of_as, & &1.inner_list)
list_b = Enum.flat_map(list_of_bs, & &1.inner_list)

This code can be tidied up with some Elixir syntax goodies:

# squish "processed_list" out of existence since it is bound and then immediately used
tuple_of_lists =
  |> Enum.unzip()

{list_of_as, list_of_bs} = tuple_of_lists
list_a = Enum.flat_map(list_of_as, & &1.inner_list)
list_b = Enum.flat_map(list_of_bs, & &1.inner_list)

and even more with then which was recently added:

{list_a, list_b} =
  |> Enum.unzip()
  |> then(fn {list_of_as, list_of_bs} ->
      Enum.flat_map(list_of_as, & &1.inner_list),
      Enum.flat_map(list_of_bs, & &1.inner_list)

This code does exactly the same steps as the first “un-simplified” version, but avoids having to name a bunch of variables that are used exactly once (like processed_items and tuple_of_lists).


Thanks a lot @al2o3cr , that is a great answer and it worked !

I have some questions if you can help me about your solution :

  • processed_list =, **&**process/1), in this line why we put & before the function name ?

  • list_a =, **& &1.**inner_list), in this line what is **& &1. ?


& here is the “function capture operator”. There’s a great explanation in the Getting Started guide.