Hello hivemind,
Is there way to find the file descriptor associated with a long-lived tcp connection in elixir / erlang? I am using the HTTPoison library (and hence :hackney) for http calls. I need to send the file descriptor to a server. The client-server interaction goes like this:
- Client opens a long-lived http connection to server (using
with Keep-alive header) - The server accepts the connection and waits for a payload from the client
- The client finds the file descriptor associated with the connection (which is a path on the client’s local file system in
) - The client sends the file descriptor to the server.
I couldn’t find any API on HTTPoison
or hackney
to get connection file descriptors, so I attempted the following:
# start a custom hackney pool with long connection timeout to ensure long-lived connections
:ok = :hackney_pool.start_pool(:my_pool, [timeout: 60000, max_connections: 1])
# Find the PID of `:my_pool`
my_pool_pid = :hackney_pool.find_pool(:my_pool)
# make http request.
{:ok, _} = HTTPoison.get "http://localhost:8000", [], hackney: [pool: :my_pool]
# List all open ports
open_tcp_port =
|> Enum.map(fn p -> :erlang.port_info(p, :connected) end)
|> Enum.find(fn {:connected, p} -> p == my_pool_pid end)
# name: 'tcp_inet',
# links: [#PID<0.285.0>],
# id: 288,
# connected: #PID<0.285.0>,
# input: 0,
# output: 68,
# os_pid: :undefined
# Ask erlang to print out a list of open sockets. Notice that the only open socket has Port=288,
# which is the `id` of `open_tcp_port`.
#Port Module Recv Sent Owner Local Address Foreign Address State Type
#288 inet_tcp 147 68 <0.285.0> localhost:63617 localhost:irdmi CONNECTED(O) STREAM
How can I get from the open_tcp_port
and / or the socket information from inet.i
to a file descriptor path?
Thanks in advance.