Flatten multi-dimensional to 2-dimensional

For my first approach to AoC day 7, I needed a way to flatten a multi-dimensional list, down to just 2-dimensional. (Before you say anything: Now that I solved it, I already have a better approach that won’t need this.)

List.flatten/1 goes too far; what I needed was this (2-element example shown, but I tested this and it works for larger sizes/depths too):

  @doc ~S"""
  ## Examples
      iex> flatten_2d([[[[:a, :b],[:c, :d]],[[:e, :f],[:g, :h]]],[[[:i, :j],[:k, :l]],[[:m, :n],[:o, :p]]]])
      [[:a, :b], [:c, :d], [:e, :f], [:g, :h], [:i, :j], [:k, :l], [:m, :n], [:o, :p]]
  @spec flatten_2d([[]]) :: [[]]
  def flatten_2d([h | t]) when is_list(h) do
    if is_list(List.first(h)) do
      [h | t]
      |> Enum.map(&flatten_2d/1)
      |> Enum.concat()
      [h | t]

I couldn’t find anything in List or Enum that seemed to do this, so I wrote the above. Is there an existing or better way to do this?

I believe simply calling Enum.flat_map should do it. Each item in the top level list is a list, and those will be essentially concatenated, and then their contents left alone.


This is not an answer to your question of “is there something in List or Enum” and Ben’s answer is what I would do, but for the AoC its fun to not reach for the standard library:

defmodule MapFlatter do
  def flatten(input) do
    do_flatten(input, [])

  def do_flatten([a, b] = input, acc)
    when not is_list(a) and not is_list(b), do: [input | acc]

  def do_flatten([], acc), do: acc

  def do_flatten([h | t], acc) do
    do_flatten(h, acc) ++ do_flatten(t, acc) ++ acc

result = MapFlatter.flatten([[[[:a, :b],[:c, :d]],[[:e, :f],[:g, :h]]],[[[:i, :j],[:k, :l]],[[:m, :n],[:o, :p]]]])
IO.inspect result
[[:a, :b], [:c, :d], [:e, :f], [:g, :h], [:i, :j], [:k, :l], [:m, :n], [:o, :p]]

I agree! I spent more time on this function than I should have, but it’s all about learning, practicing, and improving. I don’t do AoC for speed.

Thank you both for your replies; @mpope it was helpful to review your solution, I hadn’t seen this use of a pattern match in the function argument before, so you can use both the whole and the parts in the function. I’ll remember that trick for the future.

def do_flatten([a, b] = input, acc)

Using guards and Enum.flat_map/2 I got mine trimmed down to this:

  def flatten_2d(list) when is_list(hd(list)) and is_list(hd(hd(list))) do
    Enum.flat_map(list, &flatten_2d/1)
  def flatten_2d(list) when is_list(list), do: list

Thanks again!