Flutter chat application with XMPP - Ejjabberd server

Hello All,

I am working on developing a mobile based chat client using flutter framework. For chat conversations security considerations, planning to use XMPP (EJJABBERD) messaging server.

Considering we develop a bi-directional, full-duplex messaging mechanism which allows simultaneous transmission of data in both directions, is it possible using ejjabberd?
Alternatively, do I need to rethink using some websockets/ phoenix channels ?

App is expected to be used in intranet (company of around 2000 associates)

Will apprecite if you can give me some pointers in this regard.

Warm regards,

Why bother with XMPP, won’t it just make it more complex? 2000 is a very small number of users.

Thanks a lot for responding.

We are considering ejjabberd for embedded security reasons only.

Hello sir, Did you implemented Ejjabberd with flutter chat application?
Is it possible to embed Ejjabberd ini Flutter Application? And will it work in ios?
Kindly Reply, I am waiting for your response.