Flutter - the new kid on the mobile development block

RE: Reason/Ocaml Native compilation for mobile

This is actually actively being worked on, check it out: https://github.com/briskml/brisk

These guys also mention doing something similar for Rebolt V2: https://github.com/callstackincubator/rebolt


Just curious about what you ended up using for state management in Flutter?
So far, the leading idiom seems kinda undecided, with the choices of:

*BLoC Pattern (either Single Global Instance or Scoped Instances)

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I’ve been reading up on ways of writing shared business logic for both android and ios in rust and stumbled upon this thread: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/7053

Potentially, it could alleviate some my problems with flutter and dart

There’s also a problem with 3rd-party libraries – there just aren’t many of them and what’s there is just not as good as a swift’s alternative.

Since there are really good sqlite/lmdb adapters and other (tantivy, sled, crdt) libraries available in rust, and using them without much performance cost from dart would be great. Flutter and dart would then just manage the UI and some less performance intensive parts of the app’s core logic.


I haven’t developed any real app so far, I’m not sure flutter is ready yet, really, at least in terms of 3rd party libraries … I did try to recreate parts of some existing apps and I mostly kept state in the a mix of "BLoC"s and stateful widgets. I haven’t looked into redux yet.


But why Dart? Why? Just why?



… while at the same time nobody can sue them over it and as they already have it they may as well use it.

Google seems to be really big on trying to exploit perceived comfort deriving from familiarity. One of Go’s stated goals:

And when I was poking my nose in Google’s Closure Library I swear it felt like they were desperately trying to make JavaScript more convenient/comfortable for Java developers.

(It surprises me to a degree that Angular adopted RxJS given how different Rx programming actually is - but maybe somebody slipped that one in while no one else was looking).


Do you have any particular goal in mind for trying out flutter? Personally I’m wondering if it’s possible to develop both the backend and frontend. I know a thing or two about iOS/Cocoa and would like to make an easy transition to Android. Rather than learn another native architecture, “would be great” to kill two birds with one stone. In practice though, I really wonder if it’s possible to deliver an end-to-end product in a timely fashion as an independent consultant.


Do you have any particular goal in mind for trying out flutter?

I wanted (and still do) to write simple parts of the apps (like settings, user search) in flutter and share those across both platforms. At first I actually wanted to write everything in flutter, but after playing with it some more I noticed that it’s not really as smooth as native (at least on ios) …

Also language design. It’s designed to be easily compilable which is paramount fot the development experience having the hot code reloading and ahead of time compilation.

Beyond that familiarity as mentioned above.

Just as a side-note, one of the things I most enjoyed about exploring Flutter was learning about Streams in Dart (I hadn’t really worked with Streams much until then).

This then led me to explore the DartRx library, and then finally RxJS, which I’m now using back in my regular Vue.js projects!

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They wrote about why, here:

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Coming to the web:


via @marciol



Flutter is definitely one to watch!

I downloaded that app and it’s pretty neat - though the custom scroll behaviour in the main app view felt a little odd.

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Planning to use Flutter with a Phoenix JSON API for an upcoming project. I’ll try to post back here with results!


Please do! :003:

Announcing Flutter’s very own YouTube :tv:channel!

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That could be a huge deal for Flutter - I cannot stress how important quality learning material is. If they do a good zero to hero course I may even have a go myself! :smiley:

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IF google will have to move away from java for mobile , it will move to flutter.
And suppose it can make now all google apps for Android / IOS …

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