Form in live component not resetting on phx-submit

This must be something minor, but I can’t seem to put my finger on it. Why are the values of the <.form> not reset on a successful phx-submit?

defmodule AppWeb.SomePageLive
  def render(assigns) do
defmodule AppWeb.PostingBarComponent
  use Phoenix.LiveComponent
  use AppWeb, :html
  import Phoenix.HTML.Form

  def mount(socket) do
    {:ok, assign(socket,
      post_draft: to_form(empty_changeset())

  def render(assigns) do
        <%= textarea(@post_draft, :content,
          id: "post-input",
          rows: 1,
          placeholder: "Post to ##{}"
        ) %>
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>

  def handle_event("submit_post", %{"post" => post}, %{assigns: assigns} = socket) do
    %{topic: topic, user: user} = assigns
    %{"content" => content} = post

    case App.Social.create_post(content,, do
      {:ok, _} ->
        {:noreply, assign(socket,
          post_draft: to_form(empty_changeset())

      {:error, changeset} ->
        {:noreply, assign(socket, post_draft: to_form(changeset))}

  defp empty_changeset() do
    |> Ecto.Changeset.change()

Is seems like {:noreply, assign(socket, post_draft: to_form(empty_changeset()))}, after a successful submit, is not triggering the expected component rerender.

Away from computer, so can’t check, but I guess it could be the fact that the value of th assign post_draft on mount and after submit are the same. Both are an empty changeset.

I could update the form assign on phx-change in addition to phx-submit, but that seems suboptimal, since I am only interested in the value of the form input directly after the submit event.

Or are you supposed to use phx-change? Be it, with or without debouncing?

I ran into this problem the other day. The only good solution I found was to use phx-change as you suggested. Another thing that worked was assigning a random ID – to_form(id: my_random_id) – to the form but that feels like a hack.


Ha, I’ve been silently coming back to this thread and couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the problem was (I didn’t actually try and reproducing it locally, of course).

I always add ids to forms for testing purposes so that explains why I’ve never run into it. For that reason I don’t find it particularly hacky—Since LiveView is all about ids, I’ve switched away from patterns like data-test-id to a having a convention around plain ol’ html ids which reduces a lot of noise.

I’ve been in thinking about that recently: using ids instead of data attributes for testing. Not committed to it yet, but indeed LiveView does rely a lot on ids already.

I opted for adding a private function that randomizes the ids, thanks.

  defp to_unique_form(changeset) do
    to_form(changeset, id: "form-#{System.unique_integer()}")

  defp empty_changeset() do
    |> Ecto.Changeset.change()

You definitely do not want to do this as it could have unintended consequences on change tracking. I had this idea before and was swiftly reminded that this was the case!

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Oh boy. Back to the keyboard :sweat_smile:.

Since you have a live component for which you must provide an id already, you can get a unique form id with: id=“#{@component_id}-form}”! I’m sure some people would scoff at the redundant “form” token in their id, but I personally don’t care about that stuff and this is exactly what I do.

I thought the idea of using the form id was to nudge LiveView into rerendering the form when the form data alone does not trigger a rerender, by using a different form id on each submit. Interestingly enough all my tests pass, when I use random ids. :stuck_out_tongue:

If I just set an id with to_form(id: "some_id"), my form is not reset.

Also, I actually have little insight into how large the costs are of using phx-change="some_event" on a form, in addition to phx-submit. I catch myself assuming that the costs are relevant/not negligible.

It should be OK since you’re only setting the ID on mount and the submit event. I also used a Hook to reset the field before I went back to the phx-change because the Hook felt like duct tape instead of a real solution.

I’m curious about the costs with using phx-change because I’m using it a lot on a new project :sweat_smile:

I realized I completely read past the meaning of “random” in your original reply so sorry if my replies sounded inconsistent (I figured you meant a random hardcoded ID).

It still seems a bit cavalier to use a totally random one but maybe it’s fine if it’s just the form? I’m trying to think of a scenario where the form would re-render and the ID would change. But ya… I can’t atm.

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