There is a free MOOC Ocaml course starting Sept 26, 2016 for anyone that’s interested. I took it last year and its a serious course that can be completed in the browser.
Just curious… Has anyone signed up and started the OCaml MOOC?
Haven’t signed up for the course, but I do look at OCaml now and then. It looks like a fun language!
OCaml is a wonderful language! Plus Bucklescript to be able to use it with webdev. ^.^
This is free too and looks like it’s been put together well:
Seems they gave it another go (3rd Ed./Session 3):
- Started Sep. 17, ends Dec. 12
- Registration ends Nov. 25.
Registration closed already
Yes sorry I got info to late. But I assume it will be open again sometime in the future …
Session 4
Classes start Sept 22, 2019
I’m excited to check this out this year and use it to supplement Web Development with ReasonML.
Given that wdrml uses ReasonML syntax I’d be inclined not to use them concurrently.
I’d imagine that unless one has sufficiently acclimatized to one syntax already, dealing with a “dialect” and the original at the same time could get a bit disorienting.
Thanks for the heads up - I registered.
Is this course held in a synchronous or asynchronous way? If the former what are the lecture times?
As I haven’t participated I don’t know.
But the “MOOC pattern” seems to be to post lectures as videos and have the registered participants (and possibly lecturer and/or “teaching assistants”) interact via course/lecture specific message boards.
So you have video lectures, slides, exercises and project.
You have deadline to finish exercises for each week.
At the end there is final project.
I was just only for video lessons
Good part is that you can access content any time.
Hello, how did You unlock the videos? I have registered, but it seems content will be available only on 22 of september.
Nice to see there will be a lot of Elixir users following this course
Update: OK, I see You took previous session
Yes I was registered year ago
All 6 weeks of material (with exercises counting towards 60% of completion) are now available. The final project (one of two counting 40% towards completion) will be announced next week (typically Klotski Puzzle Solver or Random Text Generator).
From Trends in Functional Programming in Education 2017:
10:00–10:30 Yann Régis-Gianas and Benjamin Canou MOOC on OCaml slides online demo
Video: Scaling up Functional Programming Education: Under the Hood of the OCaml MOOC (19:19)