Function overloading in elixir

The syntax below is throwing when I pass a List as input. Its always expecting a String.

 @spec do_things(String.t()) :: String.t()
  def do_things(input) do
    String.split(input, "\n")
    |> |
    |> do_things()

  @spec do_things([List]) :: String.t()
  def do_things(list) do
     #do things and return string
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Since the compiler will see these as the same function definition you will need to help it by defining under what circumstances each of these should be executed. In Elixir, a guard clause does this. So in your case, for example:

  @spec do_things(String.t() | list()) :: String.t()
  def do_things(input) when is_binary(input) do
    String.split(input, "\n")
    |> do_things()

  def do_things(list) when is_list(list) do
     #do things and return string

Note that there can only be one @spec since a function is defined by its name and arity and therefore these are both the same function.


Amazing Community! Thank you very much Kip!

a follow up question

What will be spec syntax if I want to return different data types;
for example, one method returns String and another returns a list and another return in an integer.

Like this:

@spec do_things(String.t() | list()) :: String.t() | list() | integer

Understandably a function that has variable return types will be more difficult to compose and probably harder to debug. The case of returning a valid result or an error return wrapped in a tuple like {:error, reason} is idiomatic however.


makes sense. I ended up in syntax like this:

@spec do_things(String.t()) :: String.t()
def do_things(input) when is_binary(input) do
  #do things with string and return string

@spec do_things(list()) :: integer
def do_things(list) when is_list(list) do
  #do things with list and return integer
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and @kip, I agree with you, same functions with different return types are difficult to debug. I am pretty new to elixir and just trying out different things for mastering the language

I learnt something: I thought only one @spec was allowed but clearly not. A h Thing.do_things in iex returns:

  @spec do_things(String.t()) :: String.t()
  @spec do_things(list()) :: integer()

Thats a good thing!


Considering that you’re defining the spec for the same function, that may have different return types, you could define the return type as an union of String.t() | list(integer) | integer.

Just like @kip defined the argument as String.t() | list()

Types like number() are an union of integer() | float() as you can see in

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In terms of intent

  @spec do_things(String.t()) :: String.t()
  @spec do_things(list(integer())) :: integer()

would communicate to me that I’ll get String.t() if I provide a String.t() and that I’ll get an integer if I provide a list(integer()) which

  @spec do_things(String.t() | list()) :: String.t() | integer()

does not.

I doubt that it would make an iota of difference to dialyzer though.


Sure, that’s much better. Forgot about it. :+1:

Although, if a function has many different return types it’s a sign that function may be doing too much things, or using a string or integer to indicate error (like an error code or error message) when it could benefit from an ok/error tuple (but that’s another subject).

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