Fwup now installable via asdf and mise

Nerves’ firmware package and update tool, fwup, can now be installed with asdf and mise-en-place. This mostly benefits Ubuntu and Fedora Nerves users who currently have to manually install from source. If you’re using MacOS or any of the Linux distros with fwup, feel free to stick with your package manager’s version since fwup really doesn’t change all that frequently.

The Nerves installation docs now show the asdf-fwup plugin. If you already use asdf or mise, you’re probably already familiar with the routine:

# Install dependencies needed to build fwup. See asdf-fwup plugin for more info
sudo apt-get install autoconf pkg-config help2man libconfuse-dev libarchive-dev

# Install the plugin and latest version globally
asdf plugin add fwup https://github.com/fwup-home/asdf-fwup.git
asdf install fwup latest
asdf global fwup latest

A huge thanks to Ben Youngblood who contributed this. If you run into any problems please file a GitHub issue.


Hi, i tried the asdf way - but it was complaining about reshiming.
After installing fwup from source ( autogen && configure && make etc ) everything started working.

@fnchooft That doesn’t sound good. Could you open an issue at Issues · fwup-home/asdf-fwup · GitHub so that it can be fixed?