I’m looking for a way to generate liveviews but with Ash resources instead of the normal ecto schemas?
Thanks in advance
I’m looking for a way to generate liveviews but with Ash resources instead of the normal ecto schemas?
Thanks in advance
In the AshPhoenix
package there are liveview generators: mix ash_phoenix.gen.live — ash_phoenix v2.0.4
Why I love Elixir
Thanks Zach
I used mix ash_phoenix.gen.live and it worked nicely!
Could you please tell me, what my routes have to look like?
Thanks for your help, Heiko
I created a Phoenix LiveView app using Ash with the following steps:
mix archive.install hex phx_new
mix igniter.new tuneshg \
–install ash,ash_postgres,ash_phoenix \
–with phx.new \
–extend postgres \
Create Domain and Resource
mix ash.gen.domain Tuneshg.Music
mix ash.gen.resource Tuneshg.Music.Artist --extend postgres
Generate LiveView
mix ash_phoenix.gen.live --domain Tuneshg.Music --resource Tuneshg.Music.Artist --resourceplural artists
The generated code required to define many routes
Here my routes:
live “/”, ArtistLive.Index
live “/artists”, ArtistLive.Index
live “/artists/new”, Artist.FormLive, :new
live “/artists/:id”, ArtistLive.Show
live “/artists/:id/edit”, Artist.FormLive, :edit
live “/artists/:id/show/edit”, Artist.FormLive, :edit
The live_action was not added to the socket
Am I doing something wrong/is there a better way?
Thanks for your reply, Heiko
There was a bug in a recent release of ash_phoenix
that prevented it from printing the routes. I’m releasing a fixed version shortly. So now it should tell you which routes to add
I am working through the new Ash Book from PragPro.
I am trying to follow the book by creating the app from scratch.
I was using ‘mix ash_phoenix.gen.live’ to generate the LiveView from the resources, but that created a LiveComponent, while the example code in the book works mostly with liveviews.
I have two questions:
Thanks for your answer, Heiko
While learning to use the LV generator is great, the book was not designed to dovetail off of that generator really. I’m happy to work with you on questions about those generators, but you’re definitely making it harder on yourself by not following the books intended path more closely. There are a lot of concepts that it aims to teach and the focus is not on Liveview. Liveview is primarily a delivery mechanism to teach you about Ash in this context.
Now, the resource LV generator in ash_phoenix should create both a Liveview and a live component for the form. Is that not what you’re seeing?
Sorry, I didn’t that.
I will have a closer look now.
Thanks Zach
After taking a fresh look, I can clarify my question about the generator:
The generator creates Lifeviews to list, show, edit and delete artists.
AND it create a LiveComponent == FormLive to do the actual editing.
My question is about this Component. Why isn’t it a normal LV?
In the Tunez-App in your book you are using a LiveView == FormLive, which is the way, I would have done it. So the question was: Why is the generator not doing the same??
That way I had to convert the LV-Code of the book to my LiveComponent.
Otherwise it would have been easy-peasy.
But I learned a lot by doing so.
I also ran into one problem which I don’t understand:
The book-code of FormLive looks like this:
def mount(%{"id" => album_id}, _session, socket) do
album = Tunez.Music.get_album_by_id!(album_id, load: [:artist])
form = Tunez.Music.form_to_update_album(album)
So I converted that to:
defp assign_form(%{assigns: %{album: album}} = socket) do
if album do
artist = Tuneshg.Music.get_artist_by_id!(album.artist_id)
form = Tuneshg.Music.form_to_update_album(album)
That looked correct, but later, when I tried to edit an album and typed, I got:
[debug] HANDLE EVENT "validate" in TuneshgWeb.AlbumLive.Index
Component: TuneshgWeb.AlbumLive.FormComponent
Parameters: %{"_target" => ["form", "name"], "form" => %{"_unused_artist_id" => "", "_unused_cover_image_url" => "", "_unused_name" => "", "_unused_year_released" => "", "artist_id" => "9ad16706-01f7-4b51-8633-21434ba39f21", "cover_image_url" => "/images/albums/nights_in_the_nullarbor_wild.png", "name" => "Wilde", "year_released" => "2023"}}
[error] GenServer #PID<0.772.0> terminating
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in TuneshgWeb.AlbumLive.FormComponent.handle_event/3
I modified my code to:
form =
AshPhoenix.Form.for_update(album, :update,
as: "album",
transform_params: fn _form, params, _context ->
Map.put(params, "artist_id", artist.id)
using AshPhoenix.Form.for_update, that I used before and everything worked again.
I don’t know, why the two methods are not equivalent, but I think you do
My last point:
Yes, you are right, I am making it harder for me to follow the code in your book and from chapter 3 on, I decided to accept your proposal and follow the book using the Tunez-Code.
Again, dear Zach, thanks a lot for your patience and your time helping me and explaining so superbly, Heiko
Honestly the LiveView generator was copied directly from phoenix’s generator at the point in time that they were when we made the LiveView generator . Ultimately we just want to do whatever LV is doing with their generators, but calling into Ash code instead of Ecto code.
I haven’t looked to see how out of date they are.
Yes Zach, you are right.
The Phoenix-LV-generator generates a Form-Component too.
Do you by chance know, why the Ash.form_for doesn’t work correctly inside the Form-Component?
P.S.: I just finished the Rest-API chapter in your book.
Fantastic !!!
A superb example for the code follows the domain.
Everything necessary for the API can be generated.
The best to you from Heiko
Perhaps a missing target={@myself}
on the form?