Get file original name when downloading via postman

I’m trying to download a file via postman (send and download) but the filename comes as “response” and not with the original filename.

I’ve tried using
|> put_resp_header("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"#{file_name}\"")
but it doesn’t work

in a different setting, I managed using

      |> merge_resp_headers(content.headers)
      |> resp(200, content.body)

to get the original name and file type but it’s not working with what I have now.

what could be preventing me to get the original filename?

Can you try downloading via a browser to eliminate the possibility of it being a postmane issue?

i’m only getting “response.png” as a return. I’ve asked for the developers to return the name of the file in the headers and on their side is looking like
"Content-Disposition" - form-data; filename="nameOfTheFile.png"

then I tried both:

      |> put_resp_header("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=#{filename}")
      |> resp(200, content)
      |> put_resp_header("content-disposition", "form-data; filename=#{filename}")
      |> resp(200, content)

but they aren’t working as well

the only time where the file shows to download is when I use:

 |> resp(200, content)

but with the name “response.png”. anything else that I’ve tried is returning an error.