Get inner_block html as string in Phoenix.Component

I am creating a syntax highlighter component using Phoenix.Component and Makeup

defmodule Indy.Bootstrap.Code do
 use Phoenix.Component
 import Indy.Bootstrap.AssignUtils

 def highlight(assigns) do
   makeup_code = 
     Makeup.Lexers.Bootstrap.HTMLLexer.lex(assigns[:code] || "")
     |> Makeup.Formatters.HTML.HTMLFormatter.format_inner_as_binary([])
   assigns = assign(assigns, :makeup_code, makeup_code)
<pre class="chroma"><code class="language-html"><%= Phoenix.HTML.raw(@makeup_code) %></code></pre>

Using above component, I have to pass code snippet using code attribute.

<.hightlight code="<h1>This is a heading</h1>"></.highlight>

I want to pass code as inner_block. But I am unable to figure out how to access the inner_block as string.

<h1>This is a heading</h1>

Any pointers or help on how can I achieve this?

Solved using the following code

|> Phoenix.HTML.html_escape() 
|> Phoenix.HTML.safe_to_string()
|> Makeup.Lexers.Bootstrap.HTMLLexer.lex() 
|> Makeup.Formatters.HTML.HTMLFormatter.format_inner_as_binary([]) 
|> Phoenix.HTML.raw()

I am using &lt; and &gt; as escape characters for embedding live view component code.

  <h1>This is heading</h1>
  <p> This is a paragraph</p>
  &lt;.alert primary&gt;&lt;/.alert&gt;

will render as

I am replacing &lt; to < and &gt; to > inside Makeup.Lexers.Bootstrap.HTMLLexer.lex.

Finally code will look something like this.

defmodule Indy.Bootstrap.Code do
  use Phoenix.Component
  import Indy.Bootstrap.AssignUtils

  def highlight(assigns) do
    <pre class="chroma"><code class="language-html"><%= 
      |> Phoenix.HTML.html_escape() 
      |> Phoenix.HTML.safe_to_string() 
      |> Makeup.Lexers.Bootstrap.HTMLLexer.lex() 
      |> Makeup.Formatters.HTML.HTMLFormatter.format_inner_as_binary([]) 
      |> Phoenix.HTML.raw() %></code></pre>

Let me know if you have any other solution or you see problems with this approach.

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I had a hard time getting the syntax highlighter to work using makeup - had to spend a lot of time understanding makeup and makeup_html. I have used syntax highlighters like highlight.js, Pygments, Prism.js in the past.

Pygments is an inspiration for makeup - but the output differs between both. makeup_html lexer generates tokens slightly differently when compared Pygments. I had logged couple of bugs on makeup_html repository.

I had to modify the default lexer add a function to lex non standard html elements - Makeup.Lexers.Bootstrap.HTMLLexer.lex.

Leaving these notes here so that others can save some time if they have to highlight code using makeup and phoenix components


I’d suggest moving the formatting out of the heex sigil:

  def highlight(assigns) do
    formatted = 
      |> render_slot() 
      |> Phoenix.HTML.html_escape() 
      |> Phoenix.HTML.safe_to_string() 
      |> Makeup.Lexers.Bootstrap.HTMLLexer.lex() 
      |> Makeup.Formatters.HTML.HTMLFormatter.format_inner_as_binary([]) 
      |> Phoenix.HTML.raw()

    assigns = assign(assigns, :formatted, formatted)

    <pre class="chroma"><code class="language-html"><%= @formatted %></code></pre>

Besides being easier to maintain it should also make it clear that the formatted code is not granularly change tracked when used in LiveView.

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I am afraid the above code does not work - render_slot() macro expansion outside of ~H will fail with the following message:

== Compilation error in file lib/indy_bootstrap/bootstrap/code.ex ==
** (CompileError) lib/indy_bootstrap/bootstrap/code.ex:8: undefined variable "changed" (context Phoenix.LiveView.Engine)
    (elixir 1.13.0) expanding macro: Kernel.var!/2
    (indy_bootstrap 0.1.0) lib/indy_bootstrap/bootstrap/code.ex:8: Indy.Bootstrap.Code.highlight/1
    (phoenix_live_view 0.17.5) expanding macro: Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers.render_slot/1
    (indy_bootstrap 0.1.0) lib/indy_bootstrap/bootstrap/code.ex:8: Indy.Bootstrap.Code.highlight/1
    (elixir 1.13.0) expanding macro: Kernel.|>/2
    (indy_bootstrap 0.1.0) lib/indy_bootstrap/bootstrap/code.ex:13: Indy.Bootstrap.Code.highlight/1
Compiling 1 file (.ex)

Thank you @LostKobrakai I get your point - i had written similar code for other components.