Get match path in Phoenix

Is there some way in Phoenix to see what path was used to match a route?
This would be very useful for metrics and logging (and probably other things). We would like to have the match path as a label in prometheus and as a log field so we can aggregate on that in kibana.

In Plug this was added a while ago in this PR

I’ve check that there are no equivalent field in conn.private from Phoenix, but is it accessible in some other way?

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What version of plug are you using according to mix.exs and mix.lock?

In general that field should only get accessed through Plug.Router.match_path, which is available since 1.5 as far as I can tell.

Plug is version 1.7.1, but I don’t think the Phoenix.Router uses the Plug.Router to match under the hood.
It works fine in a regular Plug.Router outside of Phoenix.

I always thought Phoenix.Router where just wrapping Plug.Router.