Getting error while compiling some ex files

I am new to elixir, I have installed 1.14.3 version of elixir with erlang Erlang/OTP 25.
I am trying to install Supavisor but getting the below error.

== Compilation error in file lib/supavisor/pg_parser.ex ==
** (ErlangError) Erlang error: :enoent
    (elixir 1.14.3) lib/system.ex:1060: System.cmd("cargo", ["metadata", "--format-version=1"], [cd: "native/pgparser"])
    (rustler 0.29.1) lib/rustler/compiler/config.ex:83: Rustler.Compiler.Config.metadata!/1
    (rustler 0.29.1) lib/rustler/compiler/config.ex:70:
    (rustler 0.29.1) lib/rustler/compiler.ex:9: Rustler.Compiler.compile_crate/2
    lib/supavisor/pg_parser.ex:2: (module)

Can anyone suggest something to resolve this error.

The error suggests that parts of that library are Rust based and you don’t have a Rust build chain installed.

:enoent means that cargo isn’t installed or isn’t in the path, supavisor uses a NIF written in rust, the “Get started” link at the rust language website has instructions to install rust and the rest of the tooling, that should be enough.

Install the Rust toolchain:

Thank you all for the responses. Let me try installing the packages

Thank you all for your help.
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