Getting Started with Elixir (Pluralsight)

Has anyone seen this course so far?


They do a free trial of 200 minutes/10 days which would be enough for that course :003:

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With you get 3 months, that’s what I’m using :smiley:

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Ah nice - let us know what you think of it :023:

I’ve split these posts into a new thread too.

Haven’t watched it yet, but looking at the table of contents and transcript - it looks like it would be a good intro for those who are brand new to Elixir.

I’d love to see an intermediate version, which gives a lot of advice about how to set up supervisors and work with all the other goodness that OTP gives us. Also, something that gives some advice on how to design and structure applications would be awesome. As someone who is a little beyond the basics, I find myself often wondering how I should lay out my modules, what things belong as genservers/agents, how to set up robust supervision trees, etc.


Have you checked out Learn Elixir TV? It’s not very long but dense and touches on your topics.

Also bears mentioning that if you have a way to verify you’re a student (e.g. student email address), you get access to the imagine student program through microsoft which gives free pluralsight access for 3 months.

Well seems i need to really find time to put that blog up.

But in general, you are asking a question that goes down to “how to find a way to architecture an application”. This is a quite complex and not “one for all” field.

Agreed - though I find that is the hardest part of learning a new ecosystem. Learning Elixir “the language” is one thing. Learning the entire ecosystem, including the idioms (from simple things like “how do i physically structure my project” to complex, like “how do i structure my modules”) and the unique ways to solve problems within that ecosystem is another.

It’s especially important, in my opinion, when Elixir/Erlang/OTP introduce ways of doing things that are so foreign to any other tech stack. For example - if I want to read a file and use it for input throughout the lifecycle of an app, does it make sense to use a Genserver? Do I then supervise it so that if it dies for some reason, my app still functions? No other tech stack that I’ve ever seen even touches on anything like this. There are a lot of those kinds of things that various books touch on, but none that I’ve seen which really pull it together. The Little Elixir and OTP Guidebook fills in a lot of great context, as does Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP

In general, this is the area where I see the most need. I know that Johnny Winn has talked at length on Elixir Fountain about the “Intermediate” level Elixir practitioner. Or rather, the lack of depth in that category of expertise within the community.

I have not yet - I’ll take a look.

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Do you people recommend this course and also the Phoenix course from the same teacher?
When I checked the contents there is no mention of processes, although there is a video about umbrella and supervisors.