Gigalixir and .buildpack

Last post on this thread from me. The final piece of my jigsaw was pointing my newly minted domain at the newly created app instance on gigalixir. I struggled embarrassingly with this. And serves to show that there is a market for PaaS - people like me!

The interface on 1&1 just had me really confused, but my lightbulb, and this’ll make you laugh, was realising www was a subdomain. Now in the last 6-months I’ve lost count of the new tech I’ve had to learn-ish (Elixir, Phoenix, Erlsom, Floki, Brunch, all the front end stuff, it’s a long list). Tackling 1&1 and subdomains - that’s just another very small brick in an otherwise unstable pile of bricks.

The guidance from gigalixir was spot-on but with a small edit just for me. Point a CNAME record for a www subdomain to

Happy Christmas everyone.