Gigalixir or Heroku - your thoughts?

Hey guys!

I’m about to deploy a simple phoenix app, so I would like to hear your impressions and thoughts about Gigalixir and Heroku.

What you guys think is the best?

Thanks in advance!


I moved all our stuff over to Gigalixir earlier this year and haven’t regretted it for a second.

-Designed for elixir so stuff like clustering just works
-Support is amazing. Shout out to @jesse who has replied to me at about every point on the clock really quickly(I hope my emails aren’t triggering a page) as I’ve been in different timezones and always goes above and beyond. Heroku support for me has generally been pretty good but Gigalixir has wowed me in this department. Including a few times where the problem has definitely been with me(one example is setting up a migration release task for distillery where I missed a line about ecto 3 needing a larger pool that Jesse spotted immediately) and not their services.
-No daily reboots

-You can’t do most things in their webui
-The wording around scaling on heroku is easier to understand though you get more granularity with gigalixir so this is a mixed bag.
-(niche) I run multiple accounts on gigalixir for my various organisations and there isn’t fast account switching in the cli like they have in heroku


Hi! I’m the founder of gigalixir in case you have questions for me. Happy to help in any way I can.


Good to hear your thoughts, thanks @sanswork :cowboy_hat_face:

Thank you @Jesse, for sure I’ll need some help on it! :cowboy_hat_face:

Gigalixir doesn’t support the citext text column in their free tier which is unfortunate.

I went with a $5 Digital Ocean VPS with Dokku (think personal Heroku) and have been happy with that for hobby projects. It isn’t free but $5/month is close enough.

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