GitHubActions - A little tool to write GitHub actions in Elixir

GitHubActions is an experimental lib to write workflow yml files in Elixir. The lib comes with a default workflow script.

To give it a try you can run

$> mix archive.install hex git_hub_actions
$> mix gha
* creating .github/workflows/ci.yml

in your project. The mix task creates a yml file like this.

GitHubActions and the default workflow script reads the MixProject of your project and generates a job running on ubuntu-latest. If the project contains credo and/or dialyzer, the steps “Lint code” and “Static code analysis” will be added. It will also create a strategy: matrix: according to the config of your project.

As mentioned above, this lib is experimental and was for now just test with my little projects.


Awesome library! Thanks for sharing. There’s a lot of takeaways from your CI YAML.

Do you think if it will be a good idea to organize the steps into a parallel?

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Awesome library! Thanks for sharing. There’s a lot of takeaways from your CI YAML.


Do you think if it will be a good idea to organize the steps into a parallel?

For now, I have not planed to run steps in parallel. I don’t think the benefit would be that great. But maybe I will give it a try.