Global constants and pattern matching

A library I’m working on has a lot of functionality related to string prefixes (technically binaries, but they’re mostly strings). I have to add prefixes to keys a lot, and I have to pattern match them back off a lot.


defp prefix(key), do: "foo/" <> key
defp is_foo("foo/" <> key), do: true
defp is_foo(_key), do: false

And so on. But a lot of this functionality is embedded in application code, in anonymous functions, in Enum.maps, variable assignments, and so on. It’s everywhere.

I want to standardize these prefixes across the codebase going forward. They are already standardized, of course, but I have module attributes scattered across a couple dozen modules when I want them to be in one place.

There is, essentially, a lot of code like this, with the attributes duplicated across many modules:

@prefix "foo"
defp something(@prefix <> rest), do: rest

The docs recommend using public functions as constants instead of attributes, but this doesn’t work because I also need to use them for pattern matching everywhere.

I can think of two approaches off the top of my head:

First, use a module with a __using__ macro to inject the same set of attributes into every module. This would be acceptable for my use case, but it seems kinda cursed.

Second, replace the attributes with macros that inject the constants into the expressions. Essentially, the function-as-constant approach but with a macro instead. This sounds more sane to me, and is what I’ll probably do, but I figured I should seek some guidance in case I’ve overlooked something. This approach is conspicuously absent from the docs I linked.


Just to make sure: those prefixes are not changing during runtime, correct?

That’s correct, they are essentially permanent. I just hate having to redefine them everywhere: it’s a mess, and a typo would be easy to make and very bad.

Then I would go for the __using__ approach but would not hard-code the values there; I’d make them part of the application’s config and just use Application.compile_env in the code that’s injected via the macro. That would help with the single source of truth problem.

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This is contextual enough that I would not expect you to understand, but in this particular case the values are “implementation details” in such a way that using config seems like the wrong choice. It would be like defining magic numbers for a file format using config options - not quite right. These values are not going to change.

Anyway, I don’t love the __using__ approach because I feel like it’s less discoverable. At some point someone is going to read my code and wonder where @prefix came from, and it’s not going to be defined. I don’t like that.

If I use individual macros at least they will have a clear definition somewhere discoverable.

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In that case and with that context I’d agree with you. Though it has to be said I find both suboptimal in different ways but I don’t see a [much] better way myself.

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I don’t hate the __using__ method for those cases that are truly global and/or want to be used in function heads.

It is a little less discoverable but it doesn’t take me too long to see the use MyModuleAttrubuteConstants at the top of the module and remember what I’ve done.


Use global public macros as constants then.

defmodule Prefixes do
  defmacro prefix(prefix \\ "foo", rest) do
    case __CALLER__.context do
      :match -> 
        quote generated: true, do: unquote(prefix) <> unquote(rest)

defmodule Usage do
  import Prefixes, only: [prefix: 1]

  def something(prefix(key)), do: key

Resulting in:

iex(2)> Usage.something "ggg"
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Usage.something/1    
    The following arguments were given to Usage.something/1:
        # 1
    iex:6: Usage.something/1
    iex:5: (file)
iex(5)> Usage.something "fooggg"

This is clever, thanks for the reply.

What I had in mind (my second idea) was something slightly simpler:

defmodule Prefixes do
  defmacro prefix, do: "foo"

defmodule Usage do
  import Prefixes
  def something(prefix() <> rest), do: rest

I like this a bit more because I think the syntax is less surprising. It looks almost exactly like a module attribute except it can be used anywhere, plus it’s discoverable.

One thing I was wondering is: does anyone know whether this would have any performance impact (at least at compile time)? I would think it would be insignificant.

Well, Elixir macros are being expanded during compile-time and the AST they return is being directly injected into a resulting beam code. That said, the runtime would have zero impact compared to something("foo" <> rest) because _this is exactly the code the VM machine would see.

Duting the compilation time, yeah, it’ll gorge a couple of processor ticks, but you’d never notice this.