Guardian: How to handle pipeline though:auth :non_auth

Hi everybody, I’m new to Elixir (from Mobile app)

I have an API get question list, this api allow login - non login user get list of question. The Login user can UpVote or DownVote (like Reddit or StackOverflow). I’m using Guardian to let user login by Google and return JWT using to auth.

My problem is I need an ID of login user to see table question_vote contain it or not to determine the question will be up-voteable or down-voteable.

In my router.ex

    scope "/api/v1", LiuloWeb do
    pipe_through :api
    post "/login_google", AuthController, :callback
    resources "/topic", TopicController, only: [:show] do
      get "/question", QuestionController, :question_by_topic

      scope "/api/v1", LiuloWeb do
    pipe_through [:api, :api_auth]
    resources "/topic", TopicController, except: [:new, :edit] do
      get "/question", QuestionController, :question_by_topic

The code above alway patten matching to pipe_through :api only, that why I can’t get logging user by Guardian.Plug.current_resource(conn).
Is there any way to determine which pipe_throught base on request header or better way to handle this? Some people said I should split to 2 api for login and non login user, is it a best way?