Actually i am getting following error in Elixir Guardian library. I tried many solutions and double check my code but everything seems ok. I don’t know where the problem is
@benwilson512 i am getting this issue when my cookie or my session get expire. whenever i am using halt() at the end of the response message this error got fixed but i don’t know why ?
Any guess about it ?
defmodule SportsConnect.Guardian.AuthPipeline do
@claims %{"typ" => "access"}
alias SportsConnect.Models.User
use Guardian.Plug.Pipeline,
otp_app: :sportsconnect,
module: SportsConnect.Guardian,
error_handler: SportsConnect.Guardian.AuthErrorHandler
plug Guardian.Plug.VerifySession, claims: @claims
plug :load_user
# Load the current user if user is logged in the system.
def load_user(%{cookies: %{"access" => access_token}} = conn, _) do
user = SportsConnect.Guardian.resource_from_token(access_token)
case user do
{:ok, %User{id: user_id}, _claims} ->
user = Sportsconnect.Repo.get(User, user_id)
Plug.Conn.assign(conn, :current_user, user)
_ ->
body = Jason.encode!(%{error: "Please Login to Continue"})
send_resp(conn, 401, body) |> halt
def load_user(conn, _) do
body = Jason.encode!(%{error: "Please Login to Continue"})
send_resp(conn, 401, body) |> halt
This is not the right way to use Guardian. You should use the EnsureAuthenticated plug to ensure they are signed in, and handle any errors in your AuthErrorHandler.
However, it looks like you are only storing the user id in the token, in which case you can probably remove Guardian completely and just store the user id directly in the session, avoiding all the complexity and indirection that comes with using Guardian.
@adamu actually i am putting my token received after from Guardian in my Cookie. If i will completely remove the Guardian then what will i store in my cookie ? make sense ?
yes @benwilson512 you are right. Yeah i should save the user-id into my session. But in every request i need to verify that some one is login or not means i need to check and verify the session ?
In guardian i am doing it in an AuthPipeline but in your idea where i will do these things ?